Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1733: Beauty in a wheelchair 73.1

Looking back from the previous plane, I feel that the whole person will be abolished.

I don’t want to move at all in the bed of Xinghai space.

‘Hosting adults, you are so passive, it’s not good, hurry up, let’s go to the next world. ’

The baby jumped up and down on the back of the search, hoping to drag the host of his lazy cancer.

However, it was tired and panting, and the host of the family did not even react, and was angry.

‘Host adult, you still want to see you man. ’

Sure enough, when the words fell, the people who were lying on the bed were squatting, and they sat up, and the speed was so fast.

'Come. ’

Looking for a hand out, the baby's conditional reflection put a white book with a normal color.

"The fascinating sacred sacred doctor", the ancient literary genre, looking for a strange touch of the chin, I feel that I went to the ancient plane is quite small.

Wang Yiyu is an ordinary fresh graduate of the modern world. When he is working around for work, he receives a magical flyer.

At the time of the whim, I went to the above website and participated in a questionnaire survey.

After she filled out, she had just submitted a black eye and crossed a dynasty that was not in history.

At first she was scared, because strange places, strangers, and she did not understand anything, just like a little lamb into the wolf's nest.

I stayed in the little house that passed through all day, until the food was finished, I had to go out to find food.

Because of panic, she did not pay much attention to her appearance.

I thought it was still my own face, so I was very successful and was sent to the flower building.

For the first time, I clearly realized that I am so happy that I am crazy now, but then I am afraid.

Where is the flower building she understands too much, especially this is ancient.

If a woman becomes a member of the flower building, it will be difficult to marry a good family in the future.

After thinking about it for a night, I finally thought of a solution.

She wrote all the memories of the modern and popular songs, and I edited them if I didn't remember them.

Then I went to the Hualou mother to discuss and personally went to the performance and reached an agreement with her.

She became the treasure of the town hall of the flower building, guiding those people to poetry and songs, and playing regularly, they can bring the veil all the way.

Originally, I wanted to keep a low profile, but it was counterproductive and made her famous.

The sought-after people are constantly coming in, all kinds of praise and love, rolling snowballs.

Let her, who was trembled, become self-satisfied.

After all, she has never enjoyed this kind of treatment in modern times. Which woman has no vanity, but the difference is just how much.

Her vanity is not much, but she will slowly expand in the things she experiences.

The factor of the outbreak is the Huaiwang.

Speaking of Huai Wang, it is really necessary to say three days and three nights, the **** of war, the emperor's uncle.

The Yushu tree grows like a wind, looks like Pan An, the first beautiful man in Xianxia.

And his greatest hobby is to listen to the little songs and teasing the birds and flowers.

So after knowing that there is such a person in the flower building, it is naturally rare to go to watch it.

This look, I see it.

The female lord has a dark heart, but the heart of the family has its own.

I have been sought after, I feel that I am unique in the world, how can there be other women who can compare my Wang Yu language, and privately inquire about the people Huai Wang loves.

I thought it was a secret thing, and even the three-year-olds knew it.

Wang Shuyu is even more angry, trying to find the person.

By chance, I met the emperor, the martial arts lord, the young prime minister, the other emperor and so on.

With their help, the other party was forced out and the identity was revealed, which happened to be the owner of the **** doctor Valley.

The God Doctor Valley is a paradise between several countries. It does not belong to any country, but it is extremely powerful.

Every country has people who are in the Valley of Medicine. They have become doctors or become popular doctors.

Therefore, the status of the **** doctor valley is detached, and the valley owner is even more relaxed, unless there is a major event in the world.

This time, because of a small flower house woman, it also ruined the doctor.

The balance was broken, and it suddenly caused confusion in several countries.

The fuse is not a broken person, but a broken person.

The **** doctor valley has been training for generations, and must not disturb the people of the world.

In the face of war, the people are suffering, even though they know that they are just a blind man, the **** doctor Valley self-immolation in the valley.

At this time, the situation was tense. Wang Yiyu felt that he had done something wrong and ruined the doctor.

Volunteer to go to God Valley to study medicine, inspirational to carry forward the God of Health Valley.

Her men’s consent is of course agreed, after all, this is very beneficial for them.

Huaiwang tried to block it and was used as cannon fodder.

And Wang Shuyu successfully entered the Valley of the Doctors and learned the skills.

Not only inherited the position of the **** doctor Valley, but also replaced the first owner of the valley became the world's first beauty.

She did not marry the emperor, but she has the emperor's respect.

There is no such thing as a wife of the Prime Minister.

There is also the identity of the people in his country, and so on.

Looking for a book, this open-end bad review.

Click on the control panel and your face is black.

main mission:?

Side mission:?

To be triggered task:?

Hidden tasks:?

Hehehe, this question mark of the sluice is what kind of trouble (╯‵ □ ') ╯ (┻━┻

The previous plane also made her step by step cautious, and the result came again.

Oh, this plane is better than the previous plane, at least she still has a plot o(╯□╰)o

Throwing away the book, the eyes swayed, it appeared in a bird's language, even the air was dyed with a light taste.

She was sitting in the rocking chair, as if she was asleep, no one around.

It is meaningless to look at the memory in my mind now, and she becomes the **** of the gods.

It is a bit of a problem, her legs are blocked by the meridians, which is bad!

There are only two young disciples in the valley, one in charge of four.

Now the plot is progressing to the time when the woman loves Huai Wang and secretly investigates her.

The fingers tapped on the legs without any consciousness. From the original memory, the position of the **** doctor valley is not known to anyone else.

Even if you are a person, if you don't have a specific token, you can't get in.

So, how did the woman and her men come in?

Also, Yan Yefeng was the time when Huaiwang died, and he was revealed everywhere and unknown.

Thinking about it, she decided to go out.

However, it is necessary to conceal the identity and avoid the situation of the **** doctor valley.


"Gull, what is the order?"

Looking for words, a plain woman with a green dress appeared on her side, respectful questioning.

"Get ready to go out."


The green dragonfly moved very fast. When looking for the carriage, a pigeon flew out of the valley.

With some morbid hands, catch the flying pigeons, remove the paper strips above, and reveal a smudge of the lips.

The wide lip opens: "Kill."

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