Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1762: I heard that I was three? 74.6

Found her stop, Xing Jun asked: "Miss Mu, what happened?"

"No." Looking for him, he shook his head and went out.

What I just saw was the illusion. She actually saw the looming shadow on the door and stood behind her.

Mommy, don’t be too surprised.

Telling the truth, she once again feels that she is going to hit the ghost?

"Miss Mu, you are coming down, we just caught a beast and can eat meat at night."

Xiao shirt character is more lively, more precisely two.

After knowing the identity of the search and knowing that she can save the younger general, the goodwill towards her is a straight rise.

Especially after she gave them food, she even liked it.

I feel that she is particularly good, and that people are good (crossed out).

Looking for this very funny child is very good, because it is so fun.

Seeing him say this, he replied with a sentence: "Is the meat of the beast delicious?"

Still laughing with a bright Xiao shirt, his expression cracked.

Run to the corner and squat silently, draw circles and grow mushrooms.

Just casually talking about it: "..." She really didn't mean it, swearing with her husband's festival!

"Amount, that, Miss Mu, may have to grieve you, the meat of the beast is a bit awkward, but on this star, it is not easy to find a beast."

Fang Ziwei is a bit embarrassed, discretionary explanation, just hope she does not want to be angry.

In case she didn't treat the Major General, they cried.

"We will fight for a mutant beast tomorrow. It is a bit late today."

Liu Ximing also spoke, and his heart was a bit worried, when did they face this dilemma?

But it's nothing, it won't bring them down.

Look for a set of sofas, put them in the empty outer hall, and occupy a comfortable single seat.

After the whole person was buried, he said: "Don't I say that I actually have a lot to eat?"

"...you didn't say it." The blouse of the mushroom in the corner of the wall raised his head and was full of grievances.

Fang Ziwei and Liu Ximing also silently nodded, looking at her pitifully, all complaining.

Look for the embarrassed touch of the nose, sneer two, well, she may have forgotten.

With a wave of hands, two fluffy sheep and two chickens appeared in front of several people.

After thinking about it, I took out two cabbages, ten eggs, two cucumbers, and a green pepper.

"Do you have any cooking?" She was a little helpless, not enough to make a meal, or she had to eat instant noodles at night.

The three people of Fang Ziwei have been staring at the food that appears out of thin air, and the eyes are so hot that they can't wait to pounce on them.

The quiet sheep and chicken seemed to be aware of the thick malice and screamed everywhere.

"I will." Liu Ximing raised his hand silently, and he has planned N kinds of practices for the two sheep.

Looking for something strange, she thought that Fang Ziwei would do it, but she did not expect it.

"Then what you lacked to tell me, my space is a lot of mess, you..."

If I haven't finished talking, I put two buckets in front of me, and Liu Ximing smiled too brightly.

"Madam, come two buckets of water first."

Looking for: "..." always feel that this guy sold them to the generals in order to eat o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

"Call me a name," said one side, filling both buckets with water.

Xiao shirt and Fang Ziwei ran to help, as for the beast that was brought back by them, left alone in the corner leaving two lines of sadness.

These human beings are so good and abominable. When they are caught back, they even think that it is not good to eat. It is really bullying the beast. It should be cast aside and cast aside.

Looking for a place to change, squatting on the double sofa, taking out the book from the space, watching leisurely.

"How do you always feel that someone is looking at me, is it an illusion?"

I couldn't help but whispered, put down the book, and turned my head for two laps. I found nothing, strange.

The man who floated in the air and stared at his body, stared at his body for two seconds, and continued to look at the person lying on the sofa, enjoying it in detail.

She has a very delicate face, even in this interstellar with no ugly people, all beautiful, her appearance is also in the forefront.

In fact, the single feature, although very beautiful, is like a finely crafted, but it is not comparable to the Mumei one who was rated as the first beauty of the stars.

But her pair of clear peach eyes that are as clean as the clear Ling Ling Lake has played a decisive role for her face.

This is very, and was directly raised to twelve points.

However, it is not only so single, wise, playful, embarrassing, and brilliant.

Just a pair of eyes is enough to make people feel like they are going.

Moreover, she also has the identity and strength to match.

It is true that his fiancee is really good.

The hand was imaginary on her hair that looked very soft and gently rubbed.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect or a real touch. The smooth and warm feeling makes him unwilling to leave ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking for a stiff body and a heart explosion.

Ah! Baby, I really hit the ghost.

Someone is touching her head, really touching it.

But there is no one around her, so... there are ghosts!

God, this is a ghost place, no, she has to leave soon.

The baby who looked at the whole process was very puzzled.

Her host is obviously so arrogant, and she has been to the world of ghosts. How can she still be afraid of ghosts?

So obsessed.

In fact, this is just the nature of human beings. Even if it is so powerful, facing the unknown and unscientific things, I will still feel horrified in the first place.

"I will help you." Looking for a book, he turned over and ran to Fang Ziwei.

Hey~~~ Now that she is around so many people, the ghost shouldn’t be moving hands.

Mr. Ghost, his hand still keeps his outstretched position.

It’s strange to look at someone who is about a meter or two away from him.

Isn't she very tired, how can I still help?

It must have been that Xiaoshu’s movements were too slow and she was hungry.

The face was a bit awesome, and when he returned to the League, he would never let her see this.

"Oh..." Xiao shirt suddenly shuddered and wondered: "Do you think it seems to be getting cold?"

Liu Ximing, who was excited to deal with the sheep, raised his head in eagerness, licked his head, shook his head decisively, and continued to peel his skin cheerfully.

I took a look at the square of the cucumber and thought about it. "It seems to be a bit, maybe it is going to change."

Probably knowing what is going on, the little cabbage in his hand is constantly shaking in the air.

The mouth whispered, the evil spirits retreated, the evil spirits retreated, and the evil spirits retreated.

"Looking for what you are doing, chanting?" Xiao shirt pulled the chicken feathers in his hand and asked casually.

Looking for: "..." paused and said: "No, I am just thinking about life."

"Oh, then you continue, I am going to boil water." Xiao shirt said, he stood up and took the clean chicken away.

Then, looking for the place where I felt the original sorrow, there was a different atmosphere, and the cabbage leaves in my hand fell into the water.

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