Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1764: I heard that I was three? 74.8

She is wearing it back to the earth (╯‵□))╯(┻━┻

Looking at the familiar streets, I just want to marry my mother.

Even if you cross, the time you wear it is not right, although the feeling is not big.

Can't change, she was no one around, but now she is surrounded by people.

"Why, I can't bear to leave, chase it out and want me to go back?"

Looking for eyebrows, don't think about whether they have found her out of thin air, seeing their unsmiling expressions, and thinking about what factors should be.

This is late in research, and now things are important.

The Qin Bo'an and his party, who had been caught by the sudden search, were all a bit strange.

Isn’t this what they say? How do you turn them over?

"You are sick, obviously you are running over, you want to rely on us."

Fang Zhihua is sarcasm. It is enough to have a rival. There is no need to come one more.

It was hard to drive this person away before, and the captain had to return to the jade pendant. He brushed a lot of good feelings in front of the captain. Before she was happy, she met a bad person again.

Looking at the sight of looking for it, I can’t wait to get a bite.

"Looking for it, you are coming back, sister Chihua, don't do this, look for her to be an ordinary person, a person..."

"Oh, if you are less fake, I will spit."

Looking for the unscrupulous interruption of the woman's words, but also pretending to squat two times.

She is in a bad mood, they skipped on their own, not looking for abuse.

I don't know if my husband will come here with her, if I can come, but...

Did not feel the breath of her husband, sad.


"You, you, instead of guarding me, it is better to guard against the one around you."

Looking for the hair, it is full of disdain, "Qin Bai'an man, although this lady can not see, but there are still quite a lot of eyes."

Both Yu Jiayue and Fang Zhihua's complexion have changed, and the conditioned reflexes look at each other and quickly move away.

The guilty look does not need to look for anything to say.

The female hostess is going to kill herself. Since she is back, she will go to the security base to find the original relatives.

The chic turn, without taking a cloud, leaving a few people who are a little embarrassed for a while.

"Bo An, let's go." You Jiayue held Qin Bo'an's arm, looking up, whispering.

Yu Guang squatted at Fang Zhihua, who was standing next to Qin Bai'an. When she saw her, she also quietly looked at him, and her eyes flickered.

She is not going to allow anyone to destroy her mission, or the Emperor...

The man was terrible, and she didn't want to go through it herself.

Looking down, the sound is softer, "Bai'an, I seem to wake up."

When he finished speaking, his eyes closed and his body was weak and he fell in his arms.

I felt that I was steadily hugged, and the corners of my lips were invisible.

On one side, Fang Zhihua’s eyes almost came out, and he hated his teeth, but he couldn’t do anything.

Several big men face each other and the war between women is not suitable for them.

They still don't know what to do, as long as they don't harm them.

It’s the jade pendant...

Qin Baian picked up Yu Jiayue and directly transferred to a building next to it.

Because of the proximity to the security base, there are fixed people coming out every day to clean up the nearby zombies.

Relatively safe, staying for a while is no problem.

Looking for people who don’t know the pauses that have been stimulated by her, the internal struggle has begun to heat up.

She will be standing at the door of the security base, crying and crying.

If you want to go in, you have to pass the inspection and have to pay for it.

This is normal, after all, you have to seek its shelter.

The key is that you must have a crystal nucleus!

Hehehe... It’s less than two hours before she came to this plane, and she arrived at StarCraft.

Then, somehow she came back less than an hour, where do I get the crystal nucleus? !

Black question mark face jpg

It’s just unreasonable to take care of it o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

Obviously, materials are better than crystal nuclei, but they say no, poisonous.

I went to the side, holding my face and starting to think about life.

Seeing that people are constantly coming in, she is still planting mushrooms in the same place, looking for a decision, she wants...

hit! Robbery!

His eyes are on the people who come and go, choosing the object that will soon become her prey.

It’s only after a long time, the frown is still wrinkled.

She couldn't help but wonder if God heard her voice, so she was specifically against her, and all that would happen was something that looked worse than her.

Is she principled, and she will never bully innocent people.

Just as she was deeply resentful, she suddenly blinked and stared at the slow-moving cars.

This group of people is very rich at first glance.

If it is a good person, she will exchange, if it is a bad person... oh... then don’t blame her empty gloves and white wolf.

Standing up, patted the very clean clothes, walked in the middle of the road with elegant steps, and waved at the passing car.

The smiles waited for them to stop, and the newly raised lips were solidified.

Quickly jumped, stepped on the front of the car and rolled over to the roof.

The smile on his face is still there, but inside the eyelids that can be picked up, there is a little bit of killing.

"Rely on, which little monk dares to stop the labor."

The rough curse came from the car, then the car stopped and the door was opened.

Looking for a more comfortable posture, slowly gazing at the several big men around.

A good sense of five made her know that people who didn't come down in the car were emitting fear and fear.

Hanging down, once again clearly realized that now is the end of the world.

"Any son, not a owe cao, a few of you, get this little girl down and give it to you."

The headed man is very burly, shaved his head and has a flaw on his face.

The vest on the exposed vest and the muscles on the chest are a little disgusting, especially with large tracts of chest hair, which looks more spicy.

Looking for a few words in the heart of the Qing dynasty, only to push down the urge to crush them directly.

Lazy to pick up the eyelids, "Give you two choices, surrender the nucleus and die, which one do you choose?"

From the moment they didn't stop directly, she could be sure that these people are not good things.

Since it is not a good thing, there is no psychological pressure to get them.

"Open, boss, this little girl's big tone, really does not put you in the eye."

Standing thin man next to the big man, the snoring of the doglegs.

Dahan laughed twice. "You go and give me her clothes."

When I paused, I licked my lips and my eyes became sinister.

“The body looks very good, I don’t know how it tastes.”

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