Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1770: I heard that I was three? 74.14

Qin Hao nodded, she also had this intention, but not now.

"Wait for tomorrow."

Just after the accident, just go up, it will inevitably make the other party feel that they are afraid of them.

Of course, it’s not good for a long time, and there are provocations.

Oh, still that sentence, if the big brother is just fine.

I don't know if the news of the base has been passed to the big brother's ear. It is reasonable to say that it is coming back. Is there any delay?

Anyway, they do not believe that Big Brother was killed, so how can a strong big brother have something to do.

Qin Bai'an, who was recited, appeared in the base that night.

I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. At the door, like the search, the means of killing a vassal of the Yuan family, the second-level abilities, a second.

When the news was spread, the entire base began to be popular.

I thought that there would be a big move on the second day, the result of the second day, the third day, the fourth day...

After half a month, all three are peaceful. What should I do? You will not open up, and I will not look back.

It is precisely this kind of calm that gives them a sense of tranquility before the storm.

I was scared to collect my hands and feet, and I was ready to avoid being beaten.

The most arrogant is Yuan Shurong. Originally, he thought that the Yuan family should be the only one. Even if there is Mu, he will not be taken seriously.

However, it is a second-level abilities, which is a little stronger, and it is not enough to look at him in front of the fourth level.

The result has not waited for him to be proud, he lost one of the few second-level abilities, or was killed by Qin Baian.

The most important thing is that he is also four levels, the fourth level of the lightning system!

At the thought of this, Yuan Shurong felt chest pain.

I smashed half of the office that night, but I also knew that there was no egg at all.

Sinking down, mobilizing good people, getting ready, waiting for the other party to shoot.

However, in ten days, there wasn't one thing in P, just like everything he had done before, it was like a clown.

Can you not be angry?

"The leader, the leader, there is news, Qin Baian took people to Mujia."

‘嘭’ “Ah!”

Yuan Shurong took back his hand and did not see anyone who was lying on the ground and died.

It seems that just the screams are just a worm in the window, not worthy of the ear.

The face reflected in the glass is dark and terrible. Qin Mu and the two have a marriage contract. He has never forgotten. Is it ready to join hands now?

Damn, he can't make this happen.

‘砰’ hit the wall with a fist and scarlet covered the entire eye.

Since he has reached this point, he can't sit still.

"Prepare things, go to Mu." If the news he received before is correct, maybe...

Looking for a nest at home, thinking about how to go to the Stars to find her husband, thinking about what conditions she triggered last time?

There is no tension in the accidental face, as long as she does not commit her on the head of the Mu family, she will not care.

However, her small books have all been filled with dense things. When the time comes, I will come back one by one.

"Sister, Qin Baian, that thing is coming."

Mulu pushed the door open and looked at the pillow sitting on the bed, like a person thinking about life, the tone was not very good.

After knowing those things from his sister's mouth, he would have liked to kill Qin Bo'an.

I want to be so diligent in the performance of the Qin family before the end of the world, is not to want to borrow their momentum? !

Seeing that my sister likes it, Qin Bai’an is indeed a good one, they promised marriage.

The results of it?

Really, are they bullying?

Looking up and raising his head, he was blind.

Just my brother said, oh, something?

Eat it?

How is the taste, ok?

A row of question marks in the brain, squinting, can't stay cute.

Seeing this Mulu is a misunderstanding, thinking that she is sad, and has smashed the things of Qin Baian countless times.

Actually hurting his excellent sister, he would like to see what kind of national color the little three grows.

After waiting for the food to be retired in the brain, it is only after looking for it, and the thoughts are returned.

It turned out that her brother said that Qin Bo’an was the thing o (╯□╰)o

Dropped the pillow and got up from the bed, put on the shoes, and ran over.

"Brother, let's go and eat the white-eyed wolf outside."

By the way, the jade pendant will come back to see if it is necessary to get a jade pendant to return to the interstellar.

It’s almost a month, I don’t know what happened to my husband, whether I’m crazy or crying.

Hey: It’s so hard to remember you, I’m not crazy, but I’m going to wake up soon, I can’t help you, I can’t help but destroy the world’s n(*≧▽≦*)n

Looking for it always feels a bit cold, touched the chin, is someone calculating her?

It is still the bad idea of ​​Qin Yuan and the two, or the female owner...

Mulu seriously confirmed that her sister did not feel sad and sad, and relieved.

So energetic, it seems that I have just thought about it.

But even if you think too much, Qin Bai'an can't forgive.

"This Mujia shelf is really big. We have been here for so long, and we are not exposed."

Just looking for the stairs, I heard the sound of yin and yang.

Eyebrows, this Fang Zhihua is ready to release himself?

"Chihuahua, how can you be so rude, it is definitely something to look for, after all, we are looking for them, and so on."

You Jiayue immediately answered the words, and Mingli secretly mocked her for not being able to stand on the table.

Fang Zhihua was trembling, but she thought she had a relationship with the captain. She was also acquiesced by the captain’s position.

"This last century is the strongest, and it is said that my family, Bai An, is a four-level power. She is a small Mu family. What?"

"Ah! It hurts." Fang Zhihua just finished, the whole person slammed into the coffee table in front of him.

The edge of the tea table in the middle of the forehead is not biased, and the bright red liquid rushes to the ground.

Because of inertia, he was bounced back and hit the sofa, and his face turned pale.

"Ah! It hurts, ah~!"

A few people were stunned by this unpredictable change, and they could only watch the accident.

Or Yu Jiayue first reacted, and the whole person rushed over.

"Ah!" More screaming screams came from Fang Zhihua's mouth, and the roof shook.

You Jiayue was scared, holding Fang Zhihua’s nervous inquiry. “Chihuahua, Zhihua sister, how are you?”

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will treat you, it will be good soon."

When she said that the white light appeared on her hand, she put it on her forehead and stopped the blood for a while.

Only the pale face did not improve, and the wound on the forehead seemed to be a lot smaller after the white light disappeared.

You Jiayue retracted his hand and the whole person fell backwards. Qin Baian reached out and held it in his arms.

The same pale face looked at each other and raised a soft smile.

"Bo An, I am a little off, the wound of Chihua's sister..." When it comes to this, it will be very difficult.

"My ability is too low to be cured directly, sorry."

Looking down, it seems to be very self-blaming.

Fang Zhihua, who was half-lying on the back of the ground, was severely traumatized.

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