Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 821: Mix: Love across the millennium 33.15

Looking for some embarrassment, she is the first time to feel the uneasiness of her husband, it is her fault.

Struggling, turning back and holding my husband's neck, looked very sad: "I'm sorry, I don't know what it will be."

"No, don't say sorry, you still appear in my sight, I am very happy."

When Yan Yan interrupted his search, his emotions continued to overflow, and there was a warmth that only two people could touch.

Looking for a red-faced embarrassed face, the voice is awkward: "I am also very happy, in fact, I am also looking for you, but there is no clue, so..."

Speaking of it, if I don’t find that week, I won’t see my husband.

She should thank Zhou Man, and in this case, I will not find him trouble for the time being.

Pleasantly determined to find, directly pull the husband to leave, since it is difficult to meet, naturally it is necessary to get together.

The people in the classroom watched the Queen of the campus rushing in, and the mouth clearly called the name of Zhou Man, but they took the big guys they had come to pick up.

Oh, no, it’s pulling away, their heart, it’s so cool and cool.

It’s easy to see Yan once, and Qiu’s search for something messy.

It seems that the two people seem to have a very unusual relationship, and they simply don’t know what to say.

"When did Qiu Jia met with General Yan?" One asked the doubts in the hearts of the people.

The school leaders who face each other are all faces, how do I know the expression.

"We are not offended by Miss Qiu at the end of the week." The principal stood up directly and asked questions clearly.

They all heard that Qiu Xunqi came in and shouted, Zhou You gave me out, it was absolutely angry.

The named Zhou was hesitant to stand up, and the handsome face and a pair of attractive Danfeng eyes, loaded with the necessary white shirt jeans, it is very good to be a fan of the fan.

Scratching his head and carefully yelling back: "Yes, that is, a little joke."

He is also dying to die now, knowing that he would not say that.

Who knows that Qiu Xunyi actually knows the big man, and he is so close, he is the rhythm to be cleaned up.

He doesn't want to be like his unlucky brother. Of course, he also disdains his brother's approach.

But telling the truth, it seems that the heart is inherited, my brother is, he is also, the most important thing is that they are also o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

The family is not saved.

"What kind of joke makes that big lady so angry." The headmaster is very shrewd and absolutely not fooled.

Zhou Man’s heart is full of heart, and he bite his teeth and just went out: “Just say Miss Qiu is chasing me, then I am with other people.”

After that, I harvested dozens of sympathetic goals in an instant, as if I were saying: rumors, how can I not think about it.

Zhou Man’s expression is cracked and his face is stiff. They are all eyes.

Although I know that my estimation is very miserable, I don’t want to be so direct. He is just a child, and he is looking for love.

"After the week, you still have to apologize to Miss Qiu, maybe she will forgive you."

The principal coughed two suggestions, but he thought that he might bring the person back.

Finally, Zhou Mang can only find someone to apologize.

The party has already appeared in the most famous private kitchen on the pedestrian street. As a foodie, the most favorite thing to do is to discover delicious food.

"Looking, we haven't seen you for a long time, go to my house tonight to make crayfish for you, okay."

Yan Yan peeled the shrimp shell with both hands and did not forget the lure on his mouth.

To know the feeling of being recovered, I want to be trapped in my arms at all times, and not let her have a chance to disappear from her own eyes.

Looking for a husband to feed while playing with a mobile phone, in fact, is to look at the situation of the baby hosted by the baby.

Just after she finally received the task, it was a bit pitted.

main mission:?

Side mission: helping the female vengeance

With trigger task: life truth

Hidden tasks:?

Seeing this needless to say, I almost understand where the pit is, the main line task question mark, question mark! !

I really don’t understand ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

"Well, okay." After eating the shrimp, he also brushed the phone and looked for a sudden turn.

"Ha? Dear, you just said?" She didn't get it wrong.

Yan Yan, who got a positive answer, was very happy. He got up and sat down to find his side, took off his gloves, and washed his hands in the prepared small basin.

I didn't care about looking for the exclamation behind me: "You promised to go to my house at night."

"Where? I didn't hear it, you said it again."

Yan Yan did not respond and replied: "Go to my house." After washing, look back and look at it with a pitiful look.

There is no doubt that if the husband has ears on his head and has a tail behind him, he must have all shrugged down.

"Looking, you promised me, can't go back, we all went to the church."

She is her own, can't help but, and... that night... that night... The brain automatically appeared in various pictures, which made people's heart beat faster.

Looking for a sympathetic look at her husband, how big is it, her husband did not hear a sentence before, not her question.

"Married? When?" The voice rang again, and Yan Yan’s brain was still back.

"A long time ago, looking for you can't lie, you know me very much."

"I..." said, Yan Yan finally found out that it was wrong.

I blinked and looked at my home for a while, and my head turned back stiffly.

Looking for a pair of expressions that you ask for more blessings to your husband, but there is a gloating in the eyes.

If you really want to say something different, it may be that the times have changed, the concept has changed, and it is simply normal to find out that this age has not yet been married.

Therefore, Master Qiu has never been troubled by this matter. Of course, he does not object to the original owner to find a boyfriend, or to marry very early.

But one thing, it is definitely a little bit to blow up. As before, about his daughter, he did not know the initiative, but was told that he would be able to talk to you about life.

After Yan Yan looked back at the Qing Dynasty, it was completely a conditional reflex: "Hey."

Succeeded to make Qiu Zhihao blow up, the chunky figure is three feet high.

"Who are you, who are you, kid, this lord can't look good, give me a side."

When you say it, you pull people over and look for shelling. "If you don't filial piety, tell me."

"When did you carry me, I found a man, and I got married, huh?"

"I said you, you are a little white wolf looking for a big wolf, did not see this man thief eye, obviously it is your beauty?"

The thief’s eyebrows look for beautiful Yan Yan: “...”

In the memory, when I saw myself, I was excited, and my daughter finally got someone to go.

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