Husband, you fancy tofu behavior, I have already given you a slap, really.

You are too ferocious, I am willing to go down the wind _(:зゝ∠)_

A good meal, and spent in the husband's various fancy feeding, really is a match.

Going out of the court, it’s already three o'clock in the afternoon. As an employee who has been blatantly skipped by the boss, he is looking for something that is not illusory ( ̄Д ̄)┍

Anyway, something will not be found on her head. After all, she is just a small employee who can't resist the big boss. (*^__^*)嘻嘻...

Just entering the company's door, looking for it has not had time to go two more steps, a wind blowing around, the body with the body straight down to the side.

Mom, if it’s not for people, Miss Ben will kill you in minutes.

When the female host came over, her mental power was captured, and she also noticed the male owner who was coming from the elevator.

Such a good opportunity, the bitter meat meter does not need to be white, this is called the double of his people's way to cure his body.

But wait for my husband to come over and estimate that I want to blow up o(╯□╰)o

He will definitely say, I will take the time to take a call, you will have an accident, look at it, and sure enough, it is only the safest.

Naturally, ‘砰’ fell to the ground, and the light came from the wrist. Her face was pale and she was sweating.

When you are approaching the ground, you will wrap yourself with mental strength.

It seemed to be very quiet. In fact, she didn't have anything in her hair. Lying on the ground was as comfortable as lying on a mattress with two beds.

Of course, the injury on the wrist is also fake, but in order to be realistic, she has spent a lot of points.

No matter how you check, you can ensure a proper fracture.

Natural pain is also a fake, so she is so afraid of people, it is not really to make someone stupid to make fun of their body.

Looking for the ground, trying to sit up, holding the wrist, the cold sweat on his face fell one by one, and his face paled like paper.

The effect is a drop of the lever, a sound of pumping around, and a running sound.

When Xiao Zhe came out, he saw such a scene, his face was also white, and he rushed quickly, clearly a short distance, but he felt as if he could not.

When he came to her, she had already been hugged by the whole person and sat down on the sofa next to her.

The face is cold and icy, the blue eyes are blue, and there are only full of killings and invisible whirlpools.

The breath of the whole body is an indiscriminate attack on the close people, and the tight lips seem to suppress the anger that is about to erupt.

"Baby, no pain, the car will arrive soon, let's go to the hospital."

"Look at you, I just take a call and let you wait for me, something is going on. If you look at it later, you dare not leave me."

Wen Mingfeng whispered while he was chanting. He could only use his baby in his arms to wake his burning sensibility. Baby is the most important thing. You can't delay the baby because of the mess.

Damn, why haven’t the car yet?

God knows that when he just turned around and saw this scene, how scared, his heart almost jumped out.

When the mobile phone falls from the hand, I don’t know. I rushed to his baby, leaving only one thought in my heart.

Ask God to let the baby go wrong, he is willing to do anything, as long as the baby can be good.

Looking for the corners of the lips to barely raise the good curvature, pressing down the pain that is constantly spreading.

"I'm fine, don't worry, just a little twist on my wrist, it will be good soon."

I don't know if I am talking to Wen Ming, or I am comforting myself.

Like the face of Bai Lian, she smiles softly and smiles.

'Snapped. ‘Le Xiao Yu, this is the first time, why are you doing this, she has not provoked you.”

Xiao Zhe saw that he couldn’t accommodate himself, and he turned his attention to the initiator.

This look, the heart is a pain, it is his fault, if he did not care about these things in the past, now she will not be bullied again and again.

It’s all your own mistakes, it’s all your own mistakes, but the mistakes have already been made. He can only make up for it in the days to come.

But he is afraid, afraid that there is no chance to make up.

"Ha ha ha ha... Xiao Zhe, you hit me again. For this monk you hit me twice, three slaps."

"I am not happy in your eyes than an ex-girlfriend, or a former girlfriend who is disgusted with you?"

"Hahahaha....hahaha..." Le Xiao slammed his left face and laughed wildly.

A trace of sadness and despair in the discourse, and the sound of the question, let Xiao Zhe could not help but back two steps.

He is a little confused, is Le Xiaoyu comparable to looking for it?

Le Xiaoyu is really chilling, and this meeting will see Xiao Zhe’s silence and heartache.

"Xie Zhe, you have no conscience, who is accompanying you when you are in the most painful time."

"Who is in trouble for you, and it will help you to wipe out everything."

"When you say that you hate the monk, you will retaliate for you."

"Xie Zhe, are you rewarding me like this? My love is nothing in your eyes. As long as she shows a poor expression and is slightly wronged, you will immediately turn back, then what am I?"

While crying and wiping tears, pointing to Xiao Zhe's sentence, the expression of resentment was hurt to the deepest.

The three parties, the two women are all white and injured, and the man does not seem to be good.

I don’t know if it’s a big house or a small three, or a big show of incumbent and predecessor. The onlookers have only one feeling.

Slag man!

Looking for is very happy to see the male and female owners torn, the more fierce the two sons of the air, so she can complete the task faster.

Don't expect her to sympathize with the woman, and it is not a good thing to decide a woman who is a human being.

She will only pity her, because her eyes will make her lose everything.

"Light rain, I..."

"What are you, if you feel sorry for me, then you should cut off from this monk."

"She can abandon you that year, and now there is better, you think she will look back at you."

Le Xiaoyu hysterical roar, "I love you so much, you also said that you want to love me forever, but you see how you are right now."

"Zhe, don't you want to meet her again, we don't care about that monk, when she doesn't exist."

Some madness rushed up and grabbed Xiao Zhe’s hand, and Le Xiaoyu Pear spent the rain praying.

She only wants this, why the monk is so cruel, and take it away from her.

Xiao Zhe, the first reaction is to see the quiet person who is in Wenming's arms.

Unfortunately, he is destined to get no attention.

Le Xiaoyu slammed Xiao Zhe's slap, and his distorted look was like a beast.

"Xie Zhe, you are a heart-rending guy, bastard."

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