"Baby is that I am not right, I should not bully you, we will live well in the future, not toss."

Consolation people still do not forget to take the opportunity to abduct, except who is no one.

Looking for his husband's neck on his hands, his head was buried on his shoulder and he clicked a little.

The man is also fixed over there. According to the original owner, there is such a person who really treats her. It is a matter of time.

"Baby, you promised, great, great." Wen Mingfeng, the whole person is jumping up, this bitter meat meter is really a good thing.

But the next time you can never use it again, even if you want the baby to cry, you can only be in bed, but you can't let the beautiful tears of the baby be wasted on these things.

"Mingfeng, how is your leg." Looking for a cockroach hasn't forgotten that her husband's leg seems to be a little cramped. She is still sitting on it, will it hurt more?

Some distressed touched, and then... she didn't dare to move because she was just somewhere poked by something hard.

"Baby, my legs are fine, but I have something to do, you can help me."


··············[The content of this article is said by the author]····················


Wen Mingfeng’s passing this morning is called a fragrant and satisfying. Not only does the baby’s little hand serve for himself, but when he is thick, he presses the baby directly on the sofa for a morning exercise.

The man who is full of food and drink, the eyebrows are full of twilight downstairs to make lunch for their own baby.

I was cleaned and hugged to the bed, looking for it, holding the sheets, my husband’s liar, really... really... too bad.

The wolf, the rogue, the mother, she just got out of bed, and now she is lying down again, really, can't play happily.

捂 face, 嘤嘤嘤~~~ Husband’s fighting power is too strong, she can’t afford this little flower.

No, I have to lock the door tonight and lock the door! !

Tomorrow is definitely not deceived by her husband's bitterness. She is so sweet, her husband is black-hearted wolf / (ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Taking a bottle of nutrient solution from the space and drinking it, she still wants to go out, can't waste time in the room.

After being asked by her husband to finish lunch, she sought to go out with a strong request. When Wen Mingfeng couldn’t persuade him, he took the person away and took it away.

But after three days without coming to the company, I found that those people did not seem to know her, because the eyes were too elusive.

It seems... seems to be... very excited?

"Baby, they are all blessing us, I finally chased you, and they are happy for me."

Wen Ming sealed the baby in his arms, the smile of the mouth, like that, is a man who fell in love.

Looking for: "..." When did you chase me, Mom, obviously forced to Miss Ben, cut Kaisen.

Huadu did not send one, bad review ╯(╯^╰)╮

"Baby, is it a kiss to kiss me with a small mouth?" Wen Mingfeng pointed his finger at the red lips that he had no intention of licking. He was not polite and bowed his head directly in his mouth, sucking and sucking.

No matter what it is, whoever makes the baby seduce him all the time is her fault.

"Hey..." Looking for a husband to push away, he glanced at him in a hurry, and quickly walked forward, avoiding the burning sight around him.

Wen Mingfeng shrugged and stepped over to catch up. A pair of helpless people seemed to be awkward and helpless, petting and gentle.

Both of them are far away, and the crowds who watched this scene are excited to talk about it.

‘Ah, my wife and the president are really worthy, I’m looking at it. ’

‘Yes, I also think that although Xiao is also very handsome, it’s too scum. ’

‘The original Lejia Miss is also a bad eye, hanging on a tree, making herself like that, or Mrs. Clever. ’

‘Is it only me that the lady is lucky to meet the president? ’

‘No, she is really lucky, but with her appearance and strength, this seems normal. ’

The talks are silent, yeah, many times if you are alone, you will not be able to see the advantages of each other.

At the beginning, they did the same. It was after this real contact that they knew why the business could find so many people to chase.

The husband turned to the top floor to look for the sun, lazy to read on the sofa, the whole person exudes a leisurely manner.

The pen in Wen Mingfeng’s hand was stopped one centimeter away from the document. This stop was half an hour.

Looking at the beautiful woman surrounded by the sun, the heart is full of warmth and fullness.

The man who is like a sunny man is his, and he will always be his, really good.

Looking for her husband to see her, looking back and smiling, the arc of the upturn is very small, but even more beautiful than the golden sun.

"Baby, it’s good to have you around." I couldn’t help but whisper softly, and the blue eyes were filled with tender love and love.

"Oh... the seal should be that I can meet you, very lucky."

I can walk to the present, you brought it to me, it is good to meet you.

It is clear that the two meet together two or three meters, but people feel that they are beside each other, tightly intertwined, no gaps.

At least the wolf rain that just came in and was ready to share good news, the first feeling is like this.

"What is it." Wen Mingfeng was very upset about someone who was bothering him and the baby. The soft lines were put away, and the coldness was chilling.

The wolf rain touched the nose, he was not intentional, really!

"Boss, I am not too excited, just look at the news that just came out, it is really too hot."

Looking for the wolf rain, I took out my mobile phone and started to brush, because the baby also made a sound.

Just open the webpage, you don't have to find it, the one that is pushed out is:

#新婚人, who is about to marry, turns into a hatred#


In my heart, she will not lie down and shoot, right?

Just open one, huh, huh... it’s true, but this time it’s more ferocious and bloody.

Two pictures, one is the picture of the male owner lying on the ambulance, the other one is obviously in the room, there is a mosaic on the ground of a pool of blood.

I always feel a little spicy, what is going on.

She suddenly hesitated a bit, should not continue to look down, and then did not wait for her to make a decision, the hand is empty, the phone will pass through the eyes, fell into the hands of her husband.

Ok, don't look at it here ( Д Д ̄)┍

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