Chapter 527 Return of Shuangbao 5

  Meng Li looked at Jiang Han, and she was also shouting like aunt before.

  The delegator will be very angry.

  She smiled and said:

   "Child, did your mother teach you to call others like this?"

   Jiang Han said naturally:

   "No, it's because you looked like a vicious aunt."

  Meng Li chuckled, and Jiang Ruoxi said to Jiang Han:

   "Han Han, don't talk like that."


   "Woman, don't worry about it, I won't let people bully you."

  Yan Chengjun sat in the driving seat and said nothing, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

  Jiang Ruoxi said:

   "Quickly come down and sit behind with mom."

   also did not deny whether he was bullied by Meng Li.

   Jiang Han said:

"I do not."

  The little children subconsciously don't want to let Meng Li and Yan Chengjun get close, as if they are born with a kind of induction.

  Yan Chengjun watched Meng Li still standing aside, he said:

   "Okay, just sit back."

  I have to fight with the child, and my mind is too small.



  She just sat behind.

  Jiang Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, why is Jiang Manxue so easy to talk now?

  She also sat side by side with Meng Li, the car started, Jiang Ruoxi bit her lip lightly, and looked at Meng Li as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

   finally said:

   "Sister, don't blame me, okay."

  Meng Li felt that he couldn't answer this, and said that he didn't blame you. It proved that he had blamed you before, and that he hadn't blamed you, and he looked angry again.

   Jiang Ruoxi is so specious.

  She does not speak.

  Jiang Ruoxi pulled at the corner of Meng Li's clothes, and said with great loss:

   "Sister, you still don't like me, right, no matter what I do."


   "Why do you have to be liked by others in your life?"

  Jiang Ruoxi:

   "Because you are my sister."

  Meng Li tugged at the corner of her mouth, and did not answer. Yan Chengjun, who was driving, glanced at Jiang Ruoxi in the back seat through the mirror. She looked a little expectant and a little nervous at the moment, waiting for Meng Li to reply.

  It hurts to be so careful.

  At Jiang's house, Meng Li got out of the car with the bag.

  Yan Chengjun got off the car too, Meng Li looked at Yan Chengjun and said:

"What are you doing?"

  Yan Chengjun froze for a moment, but Meng Li did not expect to speak like this.

  He thought about it:

   "Go in and sit down."

  Meng Li: "This is my house. I haven't let you in and sit in yet."

  Yan Chengjun's voice deepened:

  "Won't you welcome me?"

  Meng Li: "Today is not in good spirits. I can't accompany you when you go in. Let's go another day."

  I didn't want to see these two people getting along in front of her.

  Yan Chengjun sneered:

   "You are fine."

  Meng Li nodded:

   "It's good."

  Yan Chengjun turned around and left, actually showing him a face, huh.

   Few women want to marry him?

   Jiang Ruoxi asked weakly:

   "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

  Meng Li looked at Jiang Ruoxi coldly:

   "You don't need to care about the affairs of two people."

  Jiang Ruoxi closed her mouth, looking aggrieved, Jiang Han stared at Meng Li.

  Yan Chengjun's car drove away, Meng Li returned home, and Jiang Mu sat at home.

   Seeing Meng Li, she looked behind and asked:

   "Where is Seungjun?"

  Meng Li said:

"he's gone."

  Mother Jiang said, Meng Li went back to her room. Jiang Ruoxi felt that others had ignored her, and brought her child back to her room.

  After a while, Meng Li was wondering how to complete the task.

   Sort out the relationship between each household, understand the general strength, and make a plan in mind.

  Ignoring Jiang Ruoxi.

  In fact, within a few words, Jiang Ruoxi looked like Meng Li bullied her.

  Father Jiang can jump out immediately and let Meng Li, who is the older sister, let her younger sister.

  In the heart of Jiang's father, Jiang Ruoxi is so pitiful without his mother.

  She is loved by her mother, but Jiang Ruoxi does not, so he wants to double the paternal love of Jiang Ruoxi.

  As for the eldest daughter, it’s okay to have a mother who loves her.

  Several people were divided into two factions, Jiang's father, Jiang Han, and Jiang Ruoxi belong to the same faction.

  Meng is separated from his mother and daughter. Regardless of the fact that Jiang Han is young, his lethality is not small.

   almost became father Jiang’s heart.

  Meng Li felt that Jiang’s father knew Jiang Han’s identity, but did not say it, afraid that Jiang Ruoxi would be criticized?

  Jiang's mother is having a bad time, and it is annoying to look at Jiang Ruoxi like that in the plot.

  In Jiang's mother's heart, Jiang Ruoxi just pretends to be pitiful all day long, and is still a little bit angry.

  Fortunately, Meng Li has been working on ideology for Jiang's mother, and Jiang's mother's mood is better without being angry.

  Since the last goodbye, Yan Chengjun has not contacted Meng Li.

  The former client never gave Yan Chengjun a cold face when facing Yan Chengjun. Yan Chengjun suffered a cold face suddenly, waiting for her to be softened.

  Jiang Ruoxi took the children every day, saying that she was going to find a job, but she went out early and returned late and didn't see her find any job.

  Jiang's father feels that Jiang Ruoxi is very self-reliant. Although Jiang Ruoxi can't find a job with a salary more than her pocket money, Jiang's father appreciates this self-reliant daughter.

  I had the idea of ​​letting Jiang Ruoxi go to work in his company.

   Tell Jiang’s mother.

  Jiangmu sneered:

   "Are you going to be shameless and let an illegitimate girl go to work in your company?"

  Father Jiang:

   "How do you talk, it's so awkward."

  Jiang's mother said:

   "I'm afraid that others will say it after doing it?"

  Father Jiang choked, Meng Li said:

   "I'll go to the company if there is a shortage of people."

  Father Jiang said:

   "You are going to get married, just prepare at home."

  Meng Li raised his eyebrows:

   "Dad, your heart is too biased, you can let Jiang Ruoxi go to work at the company, don't let me go."

  Father Jiang said impatiently:

   "I said, you are getting married."

  Meng Li gave a cry and said:

   "By the way, don't you say that I almost forgot. It's been a week since the day when I had agreed to try the wedding dress. I don't think Yan Chengjun is sincere enough."

  Father Jiang:

   "Are you okay to play with him, don't you apologize to him?"

  Meng Li chuckled:

   "You really are my relatives, or the Jiang family is so low-status, so he climbed his Yan family so high, you want me to be so wronged."

  Father Jiang also sneered:

"Do you know that Yan Chengjun is in full swing now, and now there are more people who want to climb into the Yan family? It is because our Jiang family has worked with the Yan family for so long. We are mutually beneficial to find such a good marriage for you. ."

  Jiang's mother stared at Jiang's father.

  This is too bad for my daughter.

  What's wrong with her daughter, isn't it worthy of Yan Chengjun?

  He became Gao Pan from the mouth of Jiang's father. This marriage is still a charity to his daughter.

  Meng Li nodded:

   "Okay, you are right."

   "But I don't agree with Jiang Ruoxi to go to work in Jiang's family. My mother and I can't afford to lose this person."

  Jiang's mother also said:

   "I also don't agree."

  Father Jiang was a little angry and said:

   "You are too self-righteous, and you have too deep a prejudice against Ruoxi. Ruoxi worked very hard to please you, but I am very disappointed by your appearance."

  "It's just a job opportunity, don't say who knows."

  (End of this chapter)

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