After all, I want to eat fireworks on earth, so that I feel alive.

The players' resistance also weakened, and they began to eat.

Hot vegetables and hot rice at the entrance, let alone that feeling, there is a feeling of being reborn.

I went to bed after eating, and the next morning, I was woken up by a loud and loud gong.

Players get up in despair and go to the medicine field to collect medicine.

Why so hard?

Jinyulu is really a devil!

Players gritted their teeth and cursed Jin Yulu, gathering fatefully.

Ruan Jun Baraballa shouted: "Hurry up, pick up."

Players hate it more. What's so special, Ruan Jun is a horse-sucking worm, who is very powerful.

After a few days of hard work, Yu Ni Gu's medicinal materials have been collected, and the other work is almost done, so he will move.

Wu Ningshu found Ruan Jun and asked, "Are you going back?"

Ruan Jun asked, "Where to go?"

Su Ningshu looked at Ruan Jun with the eyes of "caring for the mentally handicapped", "Of course it is back to your original world, that is the modern world."

Ruan Jun looked a little excited and doubtful, "Can I really go back?"

Wu Ningshu: "Love believe it or not (╮) ╭."

Ruan Jun: "Well, I believe it, how do I go back?"

Wu Ningshu: "You can go back in a blink of an eye."

Ruan Jun showed a standard smirk and fangs said: "Really?"

Wu Ningshu: "Go and ask if anyone would like to go together. If so, they will meet in the square tomorrow."

Although Ruan Jun was not very convinced but did not express it, he asked, "How do we go back, whether it is the soul or the whole person?"

Su Ning raised her eyebrows, "Of course the whole person. The body of your original world has no soul. Even if it is dead, the corpse may have cremated long ago."

Ruan Jun :! !! !!

Don't say it outright like that.

Ruan Jun's heart also faintly understood that he may not be able to go back, but was directly smashed, still uncomfortable.

世界 That world ’s own is dead, and their players are being fiddled with by the system.

I ca n’t go back. I think their soul is leaving the world and their body is dead.

And the body they occupy?

呢 What about the original master of the body, maybe it has been killed by the system?

This is really a bad thing.

Ruan Jun didn't even dare to ask what happened to the person occupying this body?

Wu Ningshu: "Okay, you go back and wait in the square tomorrow."

Su Ningshu followed the Lord Jin Gu, and behind them were Yu Nigu. Even if Yu Nigu was a dog or a captive spirit beast, he would take it away.

I came to the square, and many people waited in the square. Of course, some people did not believe that Jin Yulu didn't come.

Ruan Jun said to Ning Shu, "Everyone wants to go."

Su Ningshu said, "Yes, you don't have to wait."

Anyway, they will leave this world sooner or later. When the world slowly disintegrates, everyone in the world will find their way.

Xu Ningshu set up a space to cover everyone's inside, and then the space was continuously compressed, compressed into a fist-sized crystal space, and held in his hand.

There is one world in one sand, everyone outside does not affect the size of the space inside.

Su Ningshu Space jumped to a good place previously chosen.

For a moment, Ning Shu stood in a wild and uncultivated place.

There are so few people in the mountains and the mountains are endless. The aura of this world is very small, and only in such a dangerous place where there are few people is a little aura.

However, in the future, there will be more and more reikis in this world, which will lead to a wave of rejuvenation.

Su Ningshu released the people in the space and appeared in the mountains and forests with the strange sound of animals, and also carried some radon, but this radon had no effect on the practitioners.

"Where is this?"

"Shouldn't it be dangerous?"

"Isn't it about returning to modern society, what is this modern society?"

Su Ningshu said to Lord Jingu: "What do you think of this place as a gate?"

Master Jingu: "You need to explore it first. This aura is too thin."

Reiki is too thin, uncomfortable, and a little hypoxic.

"It's pretty good here, you can't take it anywhere else," Ning Shu said.

Establishing a sect gate is a big project, and these players are needed again at this time.

After collecting medicine, they started the task of repairing the house.

However, what players are most concerned about now is that they have returned to a civilized modern society.

Ruan Jun was pushed in front of Ning Shu by the player. At this time, you need to be a dog leg to question.

Ruan Jun Chao Ningshu asked, "Are we really back?"

I didn't feel anything at all, except that the aura was thin, and there were wild mountains and mountains around.

I really can't believe I came back so easily.

Wu Ningshu: "Find another person, I will take you out."

The tone of walking the dog, but Ruan Jun could only smile with a smile: "Well."

Ruan Jun brought a person who usually plays well, "The candidate is ready."

"Let's go." Ning Shu dragged a collar with one hand and jumped in the space of two people, and instantly came to a high-rise concrete forest.

"Look, is it a modern civilized society?" Ning Shu asked.

Ruan Jun and his companions looked at the high-rise buildings and the roads extending in all directions. The various vehicles on the roads were speeding, a familiar world, and a familiar scene.

Ruan Jun was about to cry. His nose was sore and difficult, but the man turned around and couldn't cry. "I'm really back, I still can't believe it."

Wu Ningshu: "Go back if you are optimistic."

Ruan Jun: "Want to go back?"

Su Ning looked at him in surprise, "Otherwise, wouldn't you stay here if you don't go back, sleep in the street, you are a black household."

"Again, the life-saving grace has not yet been reported, but it is just like this."

Ruan Jun: "Aren't we taking medicine?"

Wu Ningshu: "It's time to plant medicine again, and we have to repair the house, and there are various jobs waiting for you."

Ruan Jun: ...

She seriously suspected that she had saved people because of insufficient manpower and took them as hard labor.

Ruan Jun hesitated, "I want to go back and see my loved ones."

Ning Shu ruthlessly refused: "No, wait until Zongmen is established, then talk to the government, get an ID card, and wait for everything to be done. You are free and you should do whatever you want. I can't control you. "

Ruan Jun didn't dare to bargain with Ning Shu, and now he has to work hard to build his home. No, it is to build Jade Valley, which has nothing to do with them.

They are hard-working heroes. .

Wu Ningshu took two people back, and the players asked around Ruan Junxi, and they learned that they had returned to the original world. They were very happy. They also learned that they could not get away for a while, and they were instantly unhappy.

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