Chapter 1021 Yingdi's apex pet 89

"It’s not that simple to deal with her in the future." Zhang Jingxuan slammed the computer and said irritably.

Yu Kexin whispered: "As long as she pushes her back, she will not have a backing."

Zhang Jingxuan looked at her in surprise and looked at her with a **** expression. "You want to deal with Bai Junyu? Do you know who he is? Move to Bai Junyu? You are crazy."

Yu Kexin’s lips sneered with a sneer. “It’s just that I didn’t say it clearly. I mean, I will remove Bai Junyu from her side. Beiyuyu will not let go, so we can let Bai Junyu take the initiative to leave. she was."

Zhang Jingxuan’s eyes lit up. “This is a good note.”

Before they acted, after Beiyu’s leap from the unspoken rule became a grandmother, another big thing happened in the entertainment circle.

The news about the popular Xiaohua Danyu can be suspected of abortion has become a popular hot. Yu Kexin gave her a lot of resources because of Zhang Jingxuan's blush, which made her famous gradually come up.

Nowadays, the news of abortion is exposed, and the people who eat melon are really surprised. The paparazzi were swaying by the wind and began to look for evidence based on the address provided on the blog.

There is no absolute secret in the world, there is no wall that is impenetrable, and even if the shadows are better, there will always be a day of exposure.

The first person of the paparazzi resorted to the excavation of the crime of abortion. This time, Yu Kexin immediately pushed to the cusp.

What Yu Kexin was directed by the director to unspoken rules, accidentally having children, quietly abortion.

There are also rumors that Yu Kexin hooked up with a rich man and wanted to use the child to enter the giants. Unfortunately, the other party did not agree. Finally, under the pressure of the rich, the unwillingness and unwillingness to abort in the hospital.

Of course, there are people who think that the paparazzi had exposed the news of the movie emperor Zhang Jingxuan and Yu Kexin's late night secret. Some people think that this child is likely to be Zhang Yingdi.

As soon as this statement came out, Zhang Jingxuan’s fans did not do it.

They feel that Yu Kexin is shameless, and he plans to use the hype of their love beans. Yu Kexin’s fans are helping their own love beans to argue.

Fans on both sides slobbered on the Internet and made a fuss.

Yu Kexin finally tried the taste of black and red. Before he was famous, even black and red would be very happy, but with fame, he would especially care for his feathers.

Yu Kexin looked at Zhang Jingxuan with pity, "Jing Xuan, I, I..."

After the abortion that day, she and the agent discussed it and decided privately.

After all, her career is on the rise. If you are pregnant now, it is undoubtedly a delay in your future. This child is her and Zhang Jingxuan.

She did not dare to consult Zhang Jingxuan because she was too aware of Zhang Jingxuan's machismo. After he knew it, he would definitely let her go back to the circle and rehabilitate her family at home.

Yu Kexin looked at his dark face and carefully walked forward. "Jing Xuan, I..."

Zhang Jingxuan glared at her. "Why don't you tell me?"

"I, I..." said Yu Kexin sobbing low. "You have just become a movie actor. You have a good future. If you are exposed at this time, you have children, then..."

Yu Kexin looked at him with tears and tears. "You are not easy to get to this step. I don't want to ruin you because of him. I would rather bear my own sin and I don't want to make you embarrassed. I..."

(End of this chapter)

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