Chapter 1034 Real World 1

The north rained and sat down from the bed.

The huge impact of the blasting seemed to be still there, only that the whole body seemed to be crushed.

Bei Yuyu looked at the environment around him and knew that he was back.

Just then, the sound of the system sounded in my mind.

[Automatically exit from the task world because the host encountered an accident. The satisfaction of this task is one hundred percent, and one hundred and fifty points are earned. The host can control the score of two hundred and ninety-three. 】

The northern rain squatted up from the bed and watched the rising sun. There is no one in the house, and there is still room temperature in the kitchen. It seems that Xiaozi Mo has just gone.

After eating breakfast, Bei Yuqi first contacted the cold ice palm, and then began to make ingredients. Ray's ice cream, as well as re-giving Gu's ingredients.

There are too many things to do.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, among the old buildings, the closed stone gates suddenly opened. The guards who stood at the door, when they saw the people in the stone room came out, immediately stooped and bowed.

"Little Lord."

The wind is moving away from the trail, and on the cold face, there is no trace of joy or sorrow.

He returned to the study room and spread a piece of rice paper on the desk and wrote it.

Closing his eyes, the blurry figure in his mind slowly emerged, at the same time, the pen held in his hand began to move with the shadow.

After a cup of tea, a blurred back appeared on the white rice paper, which was faintly visible as a woman's back.

The wind and the deep twilight stared at the back, his heart slightly moved.

"who are you?"

The painting was picked up and placed in the middle of the study. As long as I looked up, I could see her.


Sunset sunken, a small figure carrying a stack of books, walking towards the hillside. The little guy looked at the thatched cottage on the hillside, and the pace at the foot did not consciously speed up.

I don't know when my mother can wake up.

When he opened the door and saw the mother who was meditating in the courtyard, the black eyes of the black eyes suddenly shot the light.

The kid ink went to her, and I saw that there was no sign of waking up in the north rain, and I dared not bother. Quietly walking toward the house, walked to her side and sat down on the side of the body.

One big one and two small people began to sit on their knees. As the sun fell, the power of the stars at night made the surrounding aura full.

When the North Rain waking up from the set, he saw the little boy ink on his side. She glanced at the sky, stood up, and walked into the kitchen to start busy.

After she finished her dinner, Xiaozi ink woke up from the entrance.

"Mother-in-law." The kid's ink ran to her.

The northern rain licked the little guy's small head. "Hungry, eat."


The little guy’s mood has become particularly good today, and even the rice has eaten a bowl. After dinner, the two were active in the yard.

Bei Yu took the homework to test him, and Xiaozi’s ink responded to the flow.

"Mother, you teach me the digital multiplication table, the master has never seen him, I want to ask you, which country do you find in ancient books?"

This incident was pursued after the mother kissed the next day, and has not yet responded to the master.

"It was not found in the ancient books. I just heard a population of people walking the rivers and lakes, and I thought it was down." Bei Yuyu can't tell the truth, only to create a reason for no verification.

"It turns out that." Xiaozi nodded. "I will tell the Master tomorrow."

"Soon, sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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