Chapter 1041 Real World 8

When the man returned to Gu Qing’s side, Gu Qing looked at him like a wolf, his brow furrowed. “Is it discovered?”

The man kneels and bows his head. "It’s incompetent."

"Even if you are not her opponent, it seems that the other is a master." Gu Qing whispered.

It seems that if I want to deal with her, I have to send other talents.

Gu Qing looked at the person on the ground in disgust, and asked in a cold tone: "What can she say?"

"The agreement is still valid, but the next time someone is sent to follow her, she will not be merciful." The man whispered.

Gu Qing waved his hand and the man entered the shackle and turned away.

Gu Qing's finger tapped the table gently, and the twilight became deep.

Wait until they get the makeup that is comparable to ice cream, then treat her.

Just then, a man in Tsing Yi hurried into the house.

When Gu Qing saw him, he asked: "Is there not?"

The man whispered back: "There was a preparation for Ray's side, and our people were surrounded by them when they passed."

Gu Qing’s face sank.

The Tsing Yi man continued: "Young master, or the woman who grabbed the drug from her hand when she came over?"

Gu Qing stared at him coldly. "If things are not done properly, even the brain will not be radiant. If it can be easily taken from her hands, what kind of liquid medicine is needed."

The Tsing Yi man suddenly understood what he meant.

"It's a little dull."

"Continue to monitor the every move of the rouge shop. Without my order, don't act rashly. As for the woman, don't provoke her for the time being." Gu Qing Shen Sheng.

I haven't got what he wants, and I can't make a mistake.

On the other side, the road to the north rains is not as easy as it was before.

Gu Shi’s people have been eyeing her and finding her is a matter of time. The previous plan to slow down did not stop them from investigating themselves.

Bei Yuyu looked at the mountain village not far away, and looked at the broken thatched cottage, the heart has already decided.

After the next mission comes back, it is time to consider changing places to live.

In the evening, when the boy ink came back, he looked at the dish full of a table and his eyes were bent.

"Ink, my mother took you to another place, are you willing?"

The little boy inked and looked at her slyly. Obviously, in his cognition, he never thought about leaving here. After a long while, he woke up, soft and soft voice, solemnly said: "Where is the mother, where is the ink."

Xiaozi ink looked at her nervously. "Mother, don't you want to smoke?"

He was somewhat worried, worried that one day he came back from the school and found the room empty.

Bei Yuyu reached out and touched his little head. "A fool, how can a mother kiss you."

"When are we going?" asked the kid.

"A little more time."

When you leave here, you need to prepare something.

Now she has no problem in dealing with the general thief. As for the master, there is no encounter at present, it is not known.

Since I knew they were leaving, the kid ink became a curious baby.

"Mother, where are we going?" asked Xiaozi Mo.

"Crossing the Great Zhou Dynasty and going to the Southern Tang Dynasty."

Xiaozi Moyi is a Southern Tang Dynasty, and the dawn is bright, "South Tang Dynasty?"

"Yeah. I am afraid that you will not be able to follow the masters in the future. In the future, you will be sleeping outside, and you will even encounter bad people. Are you afraid of it?"

Bei Yuyu didn't want him to be a flower in the greenhouse. If he would face problems in the future, it would be better to tell him earlier and let him know.

Xiaozi ink shook his head. "Not afraid. When encountering bad people, Moh can protect the mother."

Bei Yuyu smiled slightly. "Well, after the mother-in-law is protected by ink."

(End of this chapter)

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