Chapter 1050 My boyfriend is a zombie 9

Lin Feixue took the North Rain to walk to their team. There are more than 20 people in the group. Most of them are young men. There are only two middle-aged men, five women and one child. A woman is holding a seven-eight-year-old boy in her hand.

When the end of the day broke out, Lin Feixue and her boyfriend were together. When they both fled, they teamed up with them in an apartment.

At first, there were many people who came out with them. There were many old and young, but after a few days, the old and the weak women and children were soon killed in the mouth of the zombies.

When the end of the world broke out, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled were the first to die. As a weak woman, there were very few people who survived. In such a small number of people, most of them are some melons and melons. Women, such as the North Rain and Lin Feixue, are very few girls.

I can still see beautiful girls in the early days. After a few years, this woman is like a scarce item and rarely seen.

This has caused this type of girl to be very popular. Many weak women who do not have the ability will choose to attach a few abilities and live by the body to please others.

Two of their pedestrians are versatile, two young men. They are also the leaders of this group of people, as the main combatants.

Lin Feixue took the north rain to the front of the two abilities. "Angkor, can you let her join our team?"

The man named Angkie glanced at the north rain, but he had not spoken yet, but a young woman next to him said: "There is no self-protection ability when such a person sees it. When the zombies are encountered, it is dragged down. The existence of retreat."

"In our team, there is already enough waste, and adding a waste is a drag." The woman spoke to the mother with the child.

The child’s mother, holding her own son, did not dare to say anything.

Lin Feixue looked ugly and was trying to help her speak. He heard the cold sound of the north rain.

"Do not worry, when you encounter zombies, I don't need you to protect, and will not drag your hind legs."

The woman snorted. "You have bones now, you don't know if you will see the zombies, you will not be scared."

Another super power, Xue Chao, said: "Noisy."

The woman looked ugly, but she did not dare to refute.

Angkor, who has never had an opening, finally said: "Follow us, but there are a few points you should pay attention to. First: food and water, you are responsible for your own. Second: obey our arrangements, do not act without authorization. Third You have to learn to kill the zombies. If you do, you will stay."

"no problem."

After getting their consent, Bei Yuyu stayed in their ranks.

Lin Feixue took the North Rain and walked to the side and whispered, "You don't care about Wang Yan. She didn't just climb up to Angkor, it became so arrogant. We will stay away from her later."

"Do you have any of the powers?" asked Bei Yuyu.

Lin Feixue’s eyes lit up. “Do you know the abilities? Are you also?”

The north rain swayed and shook his head.

Her healing power, North Rain does not want to be exposed. The memory of the mouse in the laboratory is still vivid.

Lin Feixue sighed. "It's a pity. If you are an actor, Wang Yan wouldn't dare to be so arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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