Chapter 1072 My boyfriend is a zombie 31

Human abilities are paired with him alone, only dead. Therefore, every time you attack the zombie king, you are besieging. No one has ever dared to ask for a big one.

The north rain took out the space, and the returning was still in place. It was seen that the trees around the area had turned into ashes. On the ground and in the air, it seemed that there was still a hot heat.

In the darkened ground, the northern rain saw the claws of the monster.

It seems that it is dead.

She walked on the road, surrounded by empty ones, could not see the figure, and could not see the zombies.

Northern Rain does not know that he has been in a coma for a few days. It may be a day, maybe two days, or longer.

Lin Feixue, they have disappeared, and it is a little difficult to find them.

Originally thinking about following Lin Feixue, I can find Cangyun as soon as possible. Now it seems difficult, and it is destined to let her go to the North Base alone.

The north rains on foot, and occasionally encounters zombies, she will use lightning power, as a practice, familiar with the use of the ability, while finding a more suitable for the use of the ability.

Moyo walked for a day and finally saw a mountain village when it was dark. She must enter the village before she gets dark.

Before entering the village, I saw a few zombies roaming at the entrance to the village. The thunder and lightning powers came out, and the two zombies fell directly to the ground.

Beiyu chose a small building that was built in a new brick building. After disposing of the zombies inside, the door was blocked.

This is a house that has just been built, and all the furniture in the house is very new. The northern rain rushed into the kitchen, found food that could be eaten, and used rice in the spring water to put it into the rice cooker.

After entering the end of the world, I have not eaten rice for a long time.

There is still a lot of space left in the room. She collects the vegetables from the supermarket, simply fry a plate of green vegetables, accompanied by a bowl of fragrant white rice.

After dinner, she went to the second floor and went to a clean room to sleep. Outside the house, there was a whistling sound of ghosts and screams, accompanied by the roar of zombies.

In the dark night, listening to these creepy sounds to sleep.

There was nothing to do overnight, and no zombies wandered into the yard. From the house, Beiyuyu found the owner of the house and their private car, and half of the oil.

In the north, the rain can use the bedding, grain, and bottled water in the house, all of them into the car and drive away.

Originally they wanted to go to the northern base through the G city, but they came back because of unexpected situations. The national road to G City has been blown up. If you want to go to the north, you can only go to F City, bypass Golden State and go north.

The north rains are on the high speed, and there are many private cars on the highway. Many of them are kept in the car.

After driving for a while, Bei Yuyu looked at the oil meter a little bit, and the gas station in the next service area was forty kilometers. The oil on the car was not enough to support her.

She can only get off the high speed and drive to the national road.

There are quite a few residents near the national highway. After the residents became zombies, they all wandered around the national highway. When I heard the sound of the car, I came to her.

The north rain rushes directly to the car and sometimes avoids it.

After driving for a while, I saw the sign of the gas station not far from the front, and drove the car into the gas station.


Ps: high energy in front and high energy in front!

Your zombie boyfriend is about to go online, please be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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