Chapter 1080 My boyfriend is a zombie 39

It seems to be completely rid of him.

The mood of Bei Yu Yan is not good, and it is not good. I always feel a feeling of nausea in my heart.

She felt the strange feeling in her heart.

She regards this abnormal feeling as the face of the disaster.

If it weren't for his face that looked too much like a monarch, this would never happen.

After eating the breakfast in the northern rain and grass, just as soon as he started the car, he saw a person standing at the door. The man had dew on his body, and the whole body stood there.

When the rain fell on him, the heart seemed to be stabbed by something.

He walked towards her in the footsteps and walked to her car. His eyes were still empty and colorless, but somehow, he always felt a glimmer of light in his empty eyes.

Blinking, when you look again, nothing.

Perhaps, just her illusion.

When Bei Yu's gaze plucked on him, he found traces of his clothes being cut by a knife, and his legs seemed to be hurt.

Bei Yu Yan took the doorknob and was about to get off. She came to the last second and she held back.

He is not him!

The north rain smashed down the window and wanted to tell him not to follow. Just talking to the lips, I finally swallowed back.

As soon as the throttle at the foot stepped on, the car passed by him.

The corner of his eye looked at the rearview mirror and saw him limping behind her car.

The north rain 棠 微 微 微 微 微 微 棠 棠 棠 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北

The car drove for a while and slowly lowered the speed. At this moment, a car drove past her.

Yu Guang from the corner of the north rain glanced at the person in the car, and the other party looked at her again, and both sides passed by.

When the car opened a certain distance, she suddenly turned to the front of the car and went over the direction of coming.

She drove very fast and quickly. After a quarter of an hour, she saw a car parked in front of him. It was the car.

At this point, the car is surrounded by him.

Among them are two abilities who are teasing him like a cat claw mouse.

"Haha, for the first time, I encountered a zombie who would not fight back."

"Looking at this, it's a bit like a mutant zombie."

"Hey, this is called a mutant zombie?! If he is a mutant zombie, I am afraid it is the most useless one in the mutant zombies."

When the Northern Rain sees this scene, there is a anger in the bottom of my heart.

She quickly got out of the car and went towards them.

Those people are not afraid when they see the rain in the north, let alone have any vigilance, because in their view, they have five people, two of whom are powers, and she has only one person.

However, they did not think of it, North Rain said nothing to say directly to them.

The goal of the first attack of Bei Yuying was that the two abilities in their ranks released lightning in one hand and shot the cold palm in one hand.


Her speed came too fast and too fierce, and they were caught off guard. Two of the abilities, one of them directly to the end, the other one is slightly stiff.

When he eased, he launched an abilities, collided with her abilities, but was defeated by her overbearing, kicking him out with one foot and hitting them in their car.

Others finally reacted, cursing in the mouth and raising their fists to attack her.

(End of this chapter)

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