Chapter 1102 My boyfriend is a zombie 61

The opposite person heard them say this and immediately asked: "Can that give us?"

"Yes." Bei Yuyu pushed the bowl to their front.

Lin Feixue and Lin Zhi both learned the northern rain, and pushed together.

Several people immediately began to **** it up.

Lin Zhi’s adoptive parents saw that Lin Zhi didn’t want to, and didn’t give them food. He groaned in his mouth. “It’s a little mink, and every day I eat spicy and spicy, I can’t look at it.”

Bei Yuyu looked at the scent they had eaten and couldn’t help but remind him, “I haven’t touched it for a long time. It’s best not to eat more at one time, it’s easy to diarrhea.”

Lin Feixue also followed, but no one put their words in their hearts, they all waved their hands, and they said nothing, nothing.

In fact, they are really worried that they can still be so calm after they know what meat they are eating.

The head of the base looked at the people in the north rain, and the brows wrinkled slightly.

The wariness of these people is not generally strong, but it doesn't matter. Wait until the evening, they can still make them obedient.

Everyone who eats a meal is very satisfied.

I saw that they didn't want to stay here in a family. They wanted to leave with them in the north rain, but after a meal, they were willing to stay here.

After dinner, everyone went back to the room to rest, and a few people on the way to the north rain could hear the faces of those families looking at the future life.

After returning to the room, the two big ones were silent in the house.

None of the four people slept, and by the early hours of the morning, two black shadows sneaked to their doorstep, and there was a burst of smoke from under the door.

After a while, the door was pushed open. The light was shining in the house, and a few people slept on the bed and slept.

The people who came here saw this and said with a smile: "The sample is here, and it is difficult for us to fly."

"The two girls are doing well, and we are blessed. After the big brother is tired, it is ours. Now the women in the basement are really boring to play, too **."

"You don't complain, some are good."

"Hurry up, tie them up and send them to the captivity with the group."

When the two were close, and the hand had not touched the person, they only felt a pain in the neck, and the next second, the neck was awkward, and the food was completely stopped.

The two were silently laid down.

The northern rain whispered to Lin Feixue: "You protect Linzhi."

Lin Feixue nodded.

The two rainmen and the innocent people quietly found out, and when they reached the corner, just two people were squatting out. They only felt that there was a black shadow flashing in front of them, and when they had not reacted, they screamed.

All the people who met on the way were solved.

When I arrived at the hall, I saw the hall full of bright lights. The previous families were discarded on the cold floor, surrounded by many people, commenting on them.

"This pig is fat enough to eat for a while." One of the men stepped on the fat woman's fat belly and laughed.

The fat woman who was stepped on, slept and died, and there was no sense at all.

"This girl is a good one, and she is very good. She is a little older."

"There are two young and beautiful girls waiting for a while, and they are both good." Someone has begun to think about the North Rain and Lin Feixue.

(End of this chapter)

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