Chapter 1107 My boyfriend is a zombie 66

"Go together."

The other three reacted and went to the north rain and Lin Feixue.

There was no shot in the north rain, and the fireball in the hands of Lin Feixue went to the two, and the other person who attacked the northern rain was worse.

If Jun sees someone to fight his own woman, it will be more angry than hitting him. The end of the person who is starting will naturally be even worse.

The man was shot and flew to the sky. He screamed in horror. The man had not yet fallen. A black shadow chased him up. In the air, he kicked his foot and kicked, kicking the whole person directly in the air. I fainted.

The heavy drop of the person just happened to the person who first shot, and he heard the man screaming, his eyes turned and he fainted.

In addition, the two men who were chased by the fireball after the buttocks burned a big hole in the clothes. The two ran back and darted, and never dared to come over.

Bellin looked at them with surprise, the woman who used the fire, why she was so familiar.

She tried to think back and finally let her think.

It is her, Lin Feixue.

One of the top ten abilities in the future North Base, the only one who had played with the Zombie King before the Zombie King appeared.

Lin Feixue mixed with the North Rain, and looked at them. The relationship was very good. The heart was surprised and surprised, and more wanted to have a good relationship with them in the past.

This time, there was no shot in Beiyu, and Bei Yin was not surprised. Because she knows that the North Rain is a healing power, without any fighting power.

Bei Yin's gaze moved away from Lin Feixue's body and quietly moved to Jun's innocent body. He took a mask and the man was hidden under the cloak. He couldn't see his appearance at all.

And from the way he just shot, he can't see what his power is.

Behind him, it must not be a small person.

Bei Yin thought of this, looking at the eyes of the north rain with a strong jealousy. She is the darling of heaven, the past life is the savior of mankind, loved by countless people.

This life is surrounded by countless abilities masters.

Bellow's eyelids drooped, covering the eyes of the eyes, and approaching them.

When Bei Yinyin came over, Bei Yuyu noticed it.

"Hello, my name is Bei Yinyin, Linshui City." Bei Yinyin came over, his face filled with a sweet smile.

Lin Feixue is facing a slight dagger, "Hello."

The north rain simmered in a hot soup and ignored her.

Bein Yin saw this and was not discouraged.

She walked to Lin Feixue's side and leaned closer to her. She lowered her voice and said, "You just have to come over to find the four people you are in trouble. You have to be careful."

Bein Yin saw that they didn't have much reaction. They could only continue to say, "I think you are also going to the North Base. I heard that they are in the base of the North."

The big brother is a captain of the North Base, and his status seems to be quite high. It is said that his brother is very short-term, you are now playing his brother. After waiting for the North Base, he will definitely come to your troubles. ”

Lin Feixue looked at her sideways. "Do you know his name?"

When I saw someone, I finally reacted. My heart was relieved. She was really afraid that they would not respond.

It's not just that simple, it's important that you can't make an intersection with them.

(End of this chapter)

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