Chapter 1115 My boyfriend is a zombie 74

After two seconds of rain in the north, the corner of the lips rose slightly, and even the haze that had been filled in my heart disappeared.

He is not a cloud, it is really great.

From his abnormal performance, higher than any zombies, she worried, worried that he is not only a high-level zombie, but more worried that he is a cloud.

She has always called him in the name of innocence, but she is afraid to know his name.

The fear that is finally known now is superfluous.

Jun Mochen felt her emotional changes, although she did not know why she was happy, but vaguely knew that she was related to herself.

A name only, isn't the name of Jun Mo's dust special? !

Bei Yu Yan stretched out his hand and held his hand tightly. "It's not you, it's good."

In a word, the people around may not understand what it means, but the gentleman who has been following her is understanding.

She is looking for a high-level zombie, and he happens to be a high-level zombie.

Her worries should have been this before.

Jun Mochen thought of this and took her in her arms.

Ling Du looked at their young couple's affectionate look, and it just brightened his eyes.

I am going to go, this gentleman is still the gentleman he knows.

Ling did not look down, could not help but cough, reminding the two people of Xiu En love to pay attention to the feelings of the surrounding single dogs.

"Hey, hello, you’re almost fine. Just pay attention to the image."

Under the leadership of Ling Duo, the monkey came forward and smiled and said: "Boss, are you jealous?"

Lingdu’s eyebrows were horizontal, and he lifted his foot and slammed his ass. “I’m rolling, I’m rolling for Laozi. I want a girl, it’s a minute.”

Others are not kind, hahaha laughed.

The monkey smiled and asked: "Boss, you don't tell us, who are they?"

Speaking of this, Ling Duo grabbed the shoulders of Jun Mo, and said to them: "He is my little hair, iron buddies. We both came out from a small courtyard. He is in our yard. ”

Lingdu’s men all know the background of Lingdu. Since he is small, his identity is definitely not simple.

Ling Duo’s mysterious sigh came, "Do you know who his brother is? His brother is your brother who is greeted every day."

Speaking of Jun Shaoqing, these abilities have widened their eyes one by one, but that is the most dazzling figure in their base. Jun Shaoqing is a rare dual-powered person, and the level is far ahead of everyone.

He is the object of envy and worship of all abilities.

When they looked at Jun Mo's dust again, they carefully examined Jun Shaoqing's younger brother. Under this look, they immediately understood a truth.

Sure enough, the tiger is a tiger, and the cat is a cat.

This is definitely not worse than his brother.

It’s really good.

The northern rain 棠 was also attracted by Ling Duo’s words, listening to him talking about the monstrous. Instead, she was swayed by the dust, and she was interested. She whispered in her ear and said, "You want to know, I tell you."

Although Ling Duo spoke with a group of subordinates, but the ear was vertical, and the words of the monarch were heard without falling into a word, and they did not feel a goose bump.

I am a mother, if you don’t see it, you can’t see the goods or his boss.

"Dust, after you lost the link, Shaoqing brother has been looking for you. Now that you are back, your uncle can finally feel at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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