Chapter 1122 My boyfriend is a zombie 81

"Architecture." Under the rain of the North, everyone began to follow the practice of the previous practice.

Knowing how to deal with him, she was thinking about how to destroy her.

Learning from the world of comprehension can be used here.

There are abilities here that can be similar to monk spells, and these abilities also have attributes.

She deliberately chose five attributes of the players, namely, gold, wood, water, fire, earth five lines, the array of the method is exactly five elements.

He didn't seem to be afraid at all, looking at them with a scornful look at their own body.

In his eyes, the only people in this group who can make him see his opponent are the gentlemen.

Jun Mo is the breath of his body, which makes him feel threatened. This is the first time he feels this kind of breath in other people after he wakes up from this world. Even the so-called first master of human beings can not give him This feeling.

Cang Yun looked at them with five lines of interest, and he was very curious and how capable he was.

When he saw the rest of his life in the North Rain, he could see his conceit.

However, the consequences of conceit are often costly.

When the five-line array began to start, Cangyun brows, he feels the threat of breath, he is very decisive to leave, and the two people of Beiyu and Junmo have long been ready to prevent him from running away.

Cangyun is very clever, knowing that it is not good to go from Junmo, and directly breaks through from Beiyu. It’s expected that the northern rain will be found, and you will not be prepared.

"Thunder net, sacrifice."

A thunder net composed of lightning was erected. As soon as he approached, the whole body was hit by lightning, and the body actually smoked.

"How can it be!"

The clouds went backwards and looked at the rain in the middle of Surprise.

How can this thundernet have such a huge lethality?

If the ordinary thunder net is not, but the northern rain scorpion uses the thunder net as a scorpion, when he approaches, the spirit spring water is released, so his body will be green smoke.

Cangyun was forced back to the formation by the Northern Rain, and the array was already activated.

The clouds are very ugly, they seem to know him very well.

He couldn't help but look at the north rain. This woman is not simple. It seems that he is looking away.

The five-line array trapped him. Everyone entered their amount of dissimience. The clouds that were trapped in the array were like fires for a while, and they were like being in the ice.

He is known for his speed, and speed is not available here.

The amount of dissipated power of the five-line array is too large. In a short while, the foreheads of the five of them have been covered with fine sweat. The clouds in the battle, a wolverine, this is his first time against humans, becoming so embarrassed.

The clouds that resisted in the array suddenly noticed that there was a fading of energy fluctuations. He pointed the direction and specifically attacked there.

Cao Meng was the end of the strong, and under the attack of Cang Yun firepower, he quickly retreated.

Jun Mo dust shot to resist, Cang Yun did not want to fight, grab Cao Meng, use him as a shield, so that they can not attack. After taking out the circle surrounded by them, one of them will throw Cao Meng out and the people will disappear.

Jun Mo is fully chasing up, and the northern rain rushed to Cao Meng's side and gave him the spring water.

As soon as he eased, he immediately said to the crowd members: "I'm sorry, I dragged everyone down."

"This is not your fault. I underestimated the energy needed for this five-line array."

(End of this chapter)

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