Chapter 1132 My boyfriend is a zombie 91

"Get together, kill him." Bellin shouted.

The masters of the major bases will surround them.

"Jun two less, I did not expect you to be a zombie. Your northern base, actually with the zombies." Fang wants to buckle a high hat on the head of the northern base.

"Since you are a zombie, we can't leave you until tomorrow."

After Ling Duo, Lin Feixue, and Cao Meng came back to God, they stood up and stood in front of Jun Mo.

"You, this group of people will be enemies. If the boss has blocked you from the clouds, you have no life." Cao Meng glared at the place.

Bellin sneered, "Hey, he is trying to save the rain. Don't say that he is so great."

Ling Duo directly yelled, "Let your special mother's shit, if it is a strange dust only want to save the rain sister, it is not a problem to take her out at the speed of the dust, and will use it to resist."

"Even if he is for everyone, but he is a zombie. As the saying goes, non-my people have their own heart." Bellin said coldly.

Fang wants to say: "You are leaving now, we can not hold you in harmony with the zombies. If you are well-known and want to be with him, then we blame us for being polite to you."

Ling Duo laughed directly. "Don't say so well. What kind of calculations you have in your heart, you know in your own heart. You can't just fear the rise of our northern base and overwhelm all of you. Don't say anything in the heart of the story." You know how disgusting your behavior is, and it’s just that the woman wants to set up a memorial arch."

The masters of other bases heard his words and suddenly burned in anger. This anger does not know whether it is said by his red fruit to express their purpose, or because of the anger of anger.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill them," someone shouted.

Bei Yuyu said to Lin Feixue: "You don't have to make fearless sacrifices for us, you are going."

Lin Feixue will leave a few people.

"We are a family, and the family should go forward together."

None of the three people have stepped back.

Twenty people and their five shots, even though Lin Feixue they are powerful, even most people present, but the two fists are difficult to attack four hands. Their bodies are getting more and more injuries, and blood stains their clothes.

However, they still have not retreated.

The northern rain is also full of blood, the bright red blood.

Jun Mo is a serious injury, fighting against them is the end of the strong. If it is the heyday, why bother them.

No one in the north rains attacked and went straight to Bayin.

It is naturally impossible for everyone in the southern base to watch Beinin being killed by her. The whole base is surrounded by her. There were countless injuries on the body when there were six people in the north rain.

Five people were forced to the corner by a little bit, and they were forced to a desperate situation.

At this time, the monarch dust has already been exhausted.

They naturally saw it, and they wanted to yell at everyone: "He can't hold on, and he can kill him if he adds more strength."

All the people are so high that they are attacking them more and more, especially for the monks, most of the attacks are directed at him.

"We first killed the northern rain." Bein Yin shouted in the mouth, a few people colluding with her, the dress went toward the north rain.

Jun Mo is seeing her crumbling body, flying directly to hug her, blocking her attack for everyone.


Ps: Little cute, there are recommended tickets, don't be polite to give me a grandfather.

What is the monthly pass, that is how much better.

Ink and his eyes stared at the tickets in your pockets. The tickets were all cute and small.

(I don’t want to put it here, and then I’m rewarded with a lot of names, and I’m overpaid... helpless stallers)

Ps: The explosion is over... so tired!

Thank you for your lovely generosity and love for you.

[etc, meteor] [cool woman] [I think I am your woman] [Stars and fallen] [Mu Gong Moyang] [Zhou Yuze] [Ice is asleep water] [Iraqi in the South]

[琉璃眸焕尘凰]【,笑笑】【随缘】【...】【阿静啊! 】【炎暖】【浮生未央】[With me, I take the life to cherish] [February morning]

[Shallow sing and listen] [half degree cool] [very dark Xiaoan] [forgetting worry] [like] [smliemask] [sugarneo] [°sunshine] [what is not safe]

[一一]【小五味江小五】【Your home is troublesome】【E·wei】【Fenglin listens to snow】【Pride D_K】【阡陌】【微蓝°浅殇】【March】【】

[Take the snail on the space] [Zizizi, mother core] [to hold the natural sprout] [Muye Xiao] [M] [Xiaobao] [Xiao three years old] [carrie, H] [Who is playing the demon]

[Moss on flowering] [Ass 丫丫] [汐洋默落] [静宸] [The charm of cherry blossoms] [Become a child] [Symbol] [微星空] [子妍] [自悠悠]

[Quit away fragility] [When you have long hair and waist labor, you have to cut a knife] [一诺千斤] [莫离~莫弃~][13669][EandW:thelost]

[Lonely arrogant, but also an attitude] [You are young and happy] [Air scatter] [Banana, you don't take it] [叮当小七] [All kindergarten is the most cute! 】【Shallow small fish】

(End of this chapter)

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