Chapter 1134 Real World 1

The north rains open and the eyes are dark. At the moment of opening your eyes, there is a tear in the corner of your eyes that slides silently and silently.

Her hand was unconsciously smeared on her heart, and there was a burst of pain that made her feel suffocated.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the task. This task is 90% satisfactory, with a score of 135 points and a host-distributable point of 428. 】

Bei Yuyu took a deep breath and suppressed the suffocating pain in his heart. He calmly asked: "Why is the task satisfaction 90? I have killed the clouds according to the original intention."

The quiet return of the road [the last big killing of the host, let many human masters die. The original host killed the clouds, which can make the end of the day end soon. But because of the last irrational behavior of the host, the time for the end of human end is growing. 】

[In addition, because of your death, let the northern base and the major bases commit evil, fight each other and fight, and consume the resources that humans have. In view of the fact that Jun Mochen occupies a lot of factors, it only deducts ten. 】

After listening to it, Beiyu didn’t respond for a long time. After half a dozen, he asked: “Who won in the end?”

Knowing what she wants to know, she does not hide.

[The northern base was beaten by people from the beginning, until they developed antidote, a large number of abilities and ordinary people, and finally stood at the top of the world, leading the Yalu region. 】

"Thank you." North Rain whispered.

In her seemingly calm voice, it is not difficult to find a faint sorrow.

[You are welcome. 】

The voice of the meditation disappeared and the world returned to silence.

Bei Yuyu looked at the sleeping kid ink, watching his pink, white and tender face in the night, and he was slowly stunned by the painful heart.

He is not in this world.

They are doomed to be incompatible.

When the North Rain came to mind, the look became awkward.

The northern rain slammed the irritability in my heart, and tried to put all my thoughts on revenge and put them on Gu Yuran. Only in this way can she temporarily forget all of this.

If you forget it, it won't hurt.

This night, the North Rain has been squinting to the dawn.

When Xiaozi Mo wakes up, the first thing is to see if the mother on the side is well. When he turned his head and saw the mother-in-law when he woke up, the black-eyed eyes burst into a shimmering light.

"Nyon." The sound of the soft and soft voice of the little son is full of joy.

Bei Yu Yan looked at his bright eyes and bright pink face, could not help but get together, ‘bar 唧’ kissed.

The ear of the kid's ink is instantly red, and even the white and tender face becomes powdery.

Taking advantage of the shy little touch of the little guy, Bei Yu's lips overflowed with a smile.

Bei Yuyu sat up and couldn't help but squeeze his pink face and smiled and said, "Get up."

The little boy sneaked up and climbed up.

Bei Yuyu looked at his little body, and the skin on his body had become tender and tender. It was not like when she first came, it was dry and dry, rough and dark, and now his little side has become meat. It’s ok.

This small fleshy body looks like you want to make it go up.

Xiaozi ink looked at the mother's eyes, and she knew that she had to squeeze the small body of her flesh.

Sure enough, the mother’s hand reached over, but she did not pinch him, but dressed for him.

(End of this chapter)

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