Chapter 1137 Real World 4

The next day, Beiyuyu did not take the carriage to the town, but walked on foot. When she was rouge, the sun was already high. When the north rains entered the store, the small vendors on the side stared at her.

When Bei Yu Yan turned his head and looked around, he immediately regained his gaze and continued to introduce with the customers before the booth.

When the guy came to see her, she immediately ushered her into the inner room.

When the fat king's treasurer heard that she was coming, the fart was running.

"Oh, Mrs. Wood, you can be considered."

When he approached, he didn't see anything around her, and he was very confused. "Mrs. Wood, is this something?"

The Northern Rains nodded. "After a while, I have to go a long way. It may take a long time."

The king's treasurer looked chubby face and pulled it down in an instant. "How is the liquid medicine good?"

He can foresee that he will report this situation to himself, and he must be slammed into the top.

"Your Rey's business has spread all over the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even the neighboring South Tang Dynasty has a semicolon. I can give the liquid to any of your Rey's businesses, and then they will hand them over to you." I think of a good plan, "Of course, your Rex business must provide an identity card that allows me to hand over things to your hand."

When the king's treasurer listens, it is also feasible. It is just a national counterpart, he does not.

"Well, I will report this matter and give me an answer."

"I want to leave the news, I also ask the king of the shopkeeper to talk to others." North rain 棠 reminded.


"After five days, I will come with the liquid medicine. I hope that at that time, you will be ready for everything." Bei Yuxi said.

"I will discuss it with you as soon as possible."

Beiyuyu stood up and just took two steps. He turned and asked: "What can you do recently?"

When the king’s treasurer slammed, he smiled and said: “No, what happened? But what happened?”

The north rain swayed, "It’s okay."

When Bei Yulu came out from the rouge, he was once again aware that someone was staring. When she came in, she felt it, but she didn't find the person. The person is very alert.

Now when I came out, I felt the gaze of the man who was falling on her.

This time, she didn't turn her head and looked around. If she had nothing to do with the rouge, she determined the direction of the man, and the corner of the corner of the eye looked at it. I saw a plain, dressed in coarse cloth and sold. The man of the scorpion.

Looking at it like this, it seems that they are staring at the rouge shop for a long time.

I don't know if they are simply staring at Rouge, or staring at her.

Beiyuyu pays attention to the movement behind him along the way. He did not buy anything on the way back, and he left the city. After going out, on the empty road, I did not find someone behind me.

Then it seems that she is not staring at her.

This Gu Shi is really amazing. He dared to do this in the construction of the Lei's firm in the Zhou Dynasty. It really is that the Queen is able to be so unscrupulous.

The north rains look at the day, and in a month, it will be snowing.

They must leave here before the snow season. Once the snow season is coming, the snow is closed and the road is muddy, which is not conducive to travel. When it is time to be trapped here, Gu will find her sooner or later.

At the same time, it is an ancient building complex thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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