Chapter 1141 Real World 8

At the same time, in the small mountain villages in the remote Zhou Dynasty, one big one is sweating like a rain, and one punch and one hand is fighting hard. The north rain 棠 one hand and the kid ink, the kid ink is very difficult to deal with.

After a quarter of an hour, the boy lost his face, his red face, his mouth screaming.

"Mother, why do you know what kind of trick I want to make every time?" After the boy's ink eased, he couldn't wait to ask.

Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "Because the mother saw it from your eyes."

Xiaozi inked his head in confusion and didn't understand what it meant.

Bei Yuyu explained: "When you are making a move, your eyes have already sold you first. Every time you make a move, your eyes will not feel that you are looking in that direction. I naturally know what is going on in your next move." It is."

Xiaozi ink looked at her in surprise, and it was not the reason for this because he had no feeling at all.

"Come on, give it a try." Bei Yuyu wants to change his habits, otherwise he will eventually die when he meets a master.

The kid ink station stood in front of the north rain.

"You have a trick now."

"Good." Xiaozi Mo is preparing to wave, and he heard the north rain shouting.

"Do you want to make this move now?" The northern rain squatted out, and after the boy saw it, his eyes widened and his eyes were full of incredulity.

"If you don't change this habit, you will encounter bad people in the future. When you see it by the bad guys, you only have to lose. So, from now on, remember the words of the mother, and keep a look in the eyes. People can't see your intentions..."

The northern rains taught them with enthusiasm, and Xiaozi ink listened very seriously.

Just then, the courtyard door was ringing.

The two stopped, and the northern rain rushed to the outside and asked: "Who?"

The people outside the house did not respond, but the sound of knocking on the door still did not stop. The sound of the 'bumping' seemed to break the wooden door.

The northern rain frowned and wrinkled, and when you went to someone else's home, knocking on the door was not the way to knock.

The north rain 棠 opened the courtyard door, and a smell of wine came to the surface. I saw a middle-aged man standing outside the door, wearing gray clothes, clothes wrinkled, and many places with black dirt. The hair is scattered and the face is scum.

The middle-aged man squinted and smiled at the north rain, a yellow tooth was exposed, accompanied by a heavy bad breath, "Little peach, I am coming."

Said that the man is going to the yard.

"Stand up, who are you?" North Rain snorted.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and looked at the north rain. From this point of view, a pair of eyes are round and big, and the eyes are full of stunning colors.

"Beautiful, beautiful."

The sly middle-aged man spoke unclearly, and a pair of thieves stared at the beautiful face of Bei Yu.

When the kid ink saw the coming, the disgusting color that could not be covered by the eyes.

The northern rain frowned, and rummaging through the sporadic memory of the original main wood peach, can be regarded as the person who found him.

The name of this person is Wang Fu, who is the coward of the village next door. This person is idle all day, and has the same taste as the peach of the original main wood. Just before the rain came, he just hooked him up.

Muzhi wants to marry him, but the other side dislikes her to grow too ugly, but she does not agree, but this man is very good, and the oily slippery squatting of the peach, has benefited a lot from her body.

(End of this chapter)

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