Chapter 1147 Real World 14

A black shadow outside the house is coming towards this side, holding a long wooden stick in his hand.

When the kid ink saw the stick in his hand, he quietly moved to the door.

I soon heard that the door of the hall was opened, and the man was slowly moving towards the room.

'吱吱', the door was gently pushed open, just just pushed a little, his one foot just stepped in, flew from the side of his body and hit him on his knee, and his foot was soft in an instant. The whole person fell forward.

As soon as he fell, he felt a sinking on his back, and a small palm hit him on the back. The whole person was like being touched by electricity, all paralyzed.

When the kid inked him and he couldn't move, he knocked him directly.

After confirming that he was fainting, he turned his body over. After seeing his face, the little brow of his little ink wrinkled tightly.

This guy dared to come over, and in all likelihood, came to revenge.

Xiaozi ink looked at him and wondered how to deal with the bad guy.

Yesterday, the mother let him sleep in the pigsty for one night, then change the way today.

The kid ink dragged him away from the house.

In the quiet silent mountain, I saw a small voice, and I was dragging something in my hand. The little guy dragged on very hard, and every time he walked, he would stop for a while, but even if he was tired, the little figure still didn't give up.

After half an hour, he was finally dragged to the village entrance of the next door village and placed under the banyan tree at the head of the village.

Xiaozi Mo went into the village and found several people who raised the dog.

The sound of his walking was very light and light, and the small figure easily turned into the yard. When he was close to the dog, the dog did not react.

The ice palm in the hand of the kid ink stunned the dog directly, then took the dog to the banyan tree at the head of the village.

One dog, two dogs, three dogs...

Xiaozi Mo brought all the dogs that he could see in the village. Then take off his clothes with the gourd painting and let him hold the dog in his hands.

After getting it, Xiaozi ink returned to the house.

The next day, about Wang Fu’s filthing of the dog, it spread as quickly as the wind to the nearby villages. Wang Fu likes to engage in animal husbandry and has spread from the village to the town.

Wang Fu is really afraid, no longer dare to go to the family.

He didn't know how he would go to the next time.

The northern rain that enters the mission world is naturally ignorant of everything outside.

The northern rain owl woke up in a sway, and heard screams in the ear. As soon as I opened my eyes, the front of my eyes shook, making people dizzy.

When I saw the surrounding environment, Bei Yuyu probably knew that she was on the plane, but now there is a fear in the entire cabin.

The person on her side was holding her arm, and her face was already scared.

"Every passenger, the air will return to normal soon after the airflow, please do not move around." The broadcast is thinking about the voice of the flight attendant.

As her voice fell, the entire cabin swayed even more, as if she could fall apart at any time, and in a flash, a scream of screams sounded throughout the cabin.

"Don't panic, you are only temporary, it will be good soon." The flight attendant's voice is full of trembling, obviously the shaking of the cabin is no longer in the normal category, so she also felt the horror of death.

(End of this chapter)

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