Chapter 1149 Half Beast 2

The northern rain smashed the seat belt and wanted to go to the escape passage. When she just moved, she was pulled by the woman on the side.

"where do you want to go?"

"You are with me. If you can survive, you will wait for a while. We are fortunate."

The baby girl with tears followed the north rain, and the two were in the midst of the bumps of the plane, and they were struggling. Along the way, I walked halfway down to the safe passage. Several people sitting in the safe passage were young men. When they saw the two rains, they looked at them with amazement.

"You let it go. I want to open the escape route."

One of the men said; "It doesn't work to open. It's high above. We don't have a parachute. If we jump, it will be broken."

After the rain went to open the door, he said: "It’s better than waiting for the plane to hit the ground and being blown up. It’s better to jump from here, at least there is a line of life.”

After hearing the few people, they came forward to help. Others also woke up from fear and, with the help of flight attendants, opened all escape routes for the plane.

Staying on the plane will definitely die, and there is still a glimmer of life when jumping. Everyone is working hard for this line.

Under the concerted efforts of all, the escape route opens.

The plane has landed at a very low and low level, and everyone can clearly see the lush forest below.

Many people looked up and looked down, scared and immediately shrank back.

“Do we really want to jump?” one of the young women asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes." Bei Yuyu said firmly.

Many men are also scared to face bloodless, obviously not everyone has the guts, dare to jump without any equipment.

"Who jumps first?" someone asked.

Everyone looked at each other and finally looked at the north rain squatting. At this time, the north rain 打开 is opening his backpack and taking an umbrella from it, and found a life jacket on the luggage rack. The body cover, wearing two life jackets, can be protected when it falls to the ground.

When everyone saw her move, they were all similar, but there were not many redundant life jackets, and they were robbed in three or two.

Bei Yuyu said to the girl with a baby face: "I will jump with me later, do you know?"

The baby girl was pale and nodded to her.

Everyone looked at her, the speed of the plane was not slow, there was not much time for ink, and there was not much time for them to prepare adequately.

The rain in the north opened the umbrella and jumped. The resistance of the umbrella did not slow down her, but it was better than nothing.

The sound of the sound of Hu Xiao, the rapid fall, is not generally able to withstand this fear.

The face of the northern rain is slightly white, and the eyes calmly observe the environment below, find the best place to fall, and let yourself land at the lowest cost.

Just then, a sharp scream rang out above her head, and the mixture floated into her ears in the wind.

The doll face girl Qian Xiaoyue closed her eyes and did not dare to look down. The scream in the mouth did not stop from the moment of jumping.

At this point, everyone on the plane jumped one by one, and those who did not dare to jump, when they saw the plane, they would hit the mountain, and they would not dare to delay, hoping to jump down.

(End of this chapter)

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