Chapter 1153 Chapter Half Beast 6

After half an hour, they looked for two giant trees as a place to rest tonight. After a few hours of fright on the plane, plus a long journey for an hour and a half, a group of people are physically and mentally exhausted.

Everyone sat under the big tree and rested. After a while, Wang Xin stood up and said to the crowd: "Looking at the day, the sky is not completely dark. We have to go find some food first, and there must be a fire. Someone has to go to dry firewood."

Someone immediately protested, "Scorpio, can you let us rest first? My legs are almost broken."

Although the rain is also tired, it is necessary to know that Wang Xin said that if it is not before the day is dark, it will be done well, and when it is dark, then it will be late.

The night in the forest is not too flat, with many unknown dangers.

Bei Yuyu followed up and stood up. "I am going to find dry wood with you. By the way, look around for anything that is edible."

Qian Xiaoyue saw her get up and followed up and stood up. "Rain, I am going with you."

Three other men followed and stood up, and the rest of them sat still.

"We are building a fire shelf here."

Bei Yuqi and others did not say anything. They left and began to look for edible plants and wild fruits nearby.

Wang Xin is a Ph.D. in botany. He specializes in researching these things. It is better to find these things in the wild than the average person. The Northern Rain School has learned a lot of drugs, knowing which plants are highly toxic and which plants can be eaten.

The forest is rich in resources, but not what you want to have.

This group of people went out to go around and swarmed a group. When they came back, unless there was two fruits in the hands of Bei Yuying, Wang Xin took a few hands and the rest were empty-handed.

When they returned to the camp, the group of people couldn’t wait to see them in their hands. When they saw that they had not eaten in their hands, they suddenly fell into discomfort.

The blonde muttered dissatisfied. "How can I only eat it so much?"

When Qian Xiaoyue heard her words, there was a fire in his heart. "You have the ability to find it yourself."

This person is really funny, he is lazy here, and dare to complain.

The blonde was so stunned by her, and she felt that she had no face. "Several fruits, what a great thing. It is as if I am rare."

"Not rare, don't eat."

"You ask me, I won't eat." The blonde squatted back.

Qian Xiaoyue sneered, "Please? Don't be funny. Who do you think you are? Don't take yourself too seriously."

Seeing that the two men are about to fight, the people around them are persuading.

"Well, well, both of them said less." Zhou Tao, the oldest middle-aged man, said.

When the northern rain came forward, she pulled her to Qian Xiaoyue. "You don't have to rebel with her."

Qian Xiaoyue said indignantly: "I just look at her regardless of her, thinking who she is. Missy?"

North Yu Yan no longer talks, let her say, after she says enough, she will automatically stop.

Sure enough, Qian Xiaoyue said for a while, seeing her not talking, and suddenly closed her mouth.

At this point, the sky is gradually darkening.

Fifteen people were surrounded by the fire, and only those few fruits were eaten. In the forest at night, when you are dark and heavy, you can hear the roar of the beasts. Even in the distance, they still can't really rest in peace.

Everyone closed their eyes and rested, and at this time, the Northern Rain has begun to accept the information of this mission.

This time, she was engaged in a plane that was separated from the civilized world and entered the ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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