Chapter 1158 Half-Beast 11

Qian Xiaoyue and Wang Xin both opened their eyes in confusion.

"Rain, what happened?"

The northern rain licks the green eyes around him, "Look at yourself."

Qian Xiaoyue and Wang Xin looked up and saw the cold sweat, and all the sleeping insects disappeared.

"Call them up."

Qian Xiaoyue and Wang Xin immediately pushed the people around. Everyone was dissatisfied with the look at the beginning, but when they saw the surrounding environment, they were scared and white.

Everyone is not an ignorant person, and you can't know your current situation.

"This, how is this going?" Someone trembled and said.

Everyone unconsciously closes together.

The green-eyed eyes in the darkness approached them a little bit, waiting for people close to the fire, and the talents saw what the people who besieged them were.


When I saw the huge lion's body, everyone's body trembled unconsciously.

“Is this a lion?” someone asked in horror.

I saw that the head lion, the body is three to five times larger than the lion they know, the huge body, but they are particularly small and thin.

Those who were previously dubious about whether they entered the world, and now, after seeing these abnormal, unreasonable lions, finally believed that they had left the original planet.

The headed lion walked into them step by step, everyone was scared and trembling, and the timid people were full of tears.

"Hey, we have to be their rations." Ye Qiaoqiao hid behind the sound of the north rain, said crying.

Seeing that they are coming over, the wooden sticks are waving in the hands of the foremost man, and the wooden sticks are so insignificant under their huge bodies.

Suddenly, one of the lions rushed toward them, scaring Ye Qiaoqiao and several people screaming again and again.

The men continued to retreat, and they ran into the blonde behind them. One of them was unstable. A group of people followed him back. Only when the rain was in the north, they saw Qian Xiaoyue open.

The lion threw down Wang Xin, and the wooden stick he used as a weapon in his hand had been broken by the powerful body.

Seeing that the big lion's mouth was about to bite off his head, Wang Xin was so scared that he closed his eyes directly, and the others looked horrified.

At this moment, I saw the golden light of the huge lion, and saw the lion's head turned into a human being. Even the limbs and body became human legs and arms.

Such a fantasy scene can scare Qian Xiaoyue and others, but before they can digest what they saw, the next moment, they see a golden light, and put a head lion standing there, all turned into As an individual.

Among them, only the northern rain is quite calm.

Whether it has been accepted by the plot memory, or has experienced the world of comprehension, it has been surprising to see a human being who can speak human words and cultivate adulthood. It is natural that the beast is an adult.

The north rains are calm, others can be different, and one or two straighten their eyes.

"I, I am not mistaken, the lion has become a human." Qian Xiaoyue was shocked to see such a fantasy scene.

These people are very tall, full two meters high, the shortest is two meters, one by one burly, naked upper body, only the key parts cover a piece of animal skin.

(End of this chapter)

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