Chapter 1167 Half-Beast 20

The living conditions of the female tribes are very poor. There are no delicious meats here, and there are no orcs who are diligent in giving them fruit.

The previous few people were also dissatisfied with the behavior of the Shiyan tribe to limit them to the stone house. Now that they understand the reasons, they understand their actions. Now in such a harsh condition, recalling the life of the Lions tribe, several people are extremely nostalgic.

"I really want to go back, I don't like it at all." Ye Qiaoqiao glared at a small face and said pitifully.

The blonde complained: "There are pig foods here, the meat is half-lived, really we are wild animals. It is really impossible to stay here."

Several people constantly complained about the life of the female tribe. When they saw the knees and sat down, and closed the north rain of the gods, several people were admired.

"Rain, you are really amazing, adapt to wherever you go." Ye Qiaoqiao looked at her with a look of worship.

The blonde smiled and said: "I think she is like Xiaoqiang, and the bad environment can still live well. Unlike us, I can't stand it."

Qian Xiaoyue also looked at her friend's ability to adapt. She never found out that Yu Yu was so powerful. Since entering this different world, her calmness and her wisdom have made her marvel.

The blonde got together and stared at the rain in the north. "Rain, do you have any way for us to leave here early?"

The north rain opened his eyes and glanced at her. "So want to leave?"

"Think, dreaming is thinking." The blonde said immediately.

Next to Ye Qiaoqiao said: "Although the Lions tribe often ostriches are very wonderful, but others are still very good."

Qian Xiaoyue and the middle-aged woman followed and nodded.

“It’s very easy to leave here. When you come to Kwai Shui, you can go.”

"The meaning is that the water comes, it means that we are mature?" Ye Qiaoqiao responded quickly.


When it comes to Kwai Shui, Qian Xiaoyue said with a look of surprise: "I didn't come to Kwaishui last month."

"I have not come."

"me too."

Several people face each other.

"Rain, what the **** is going on?" The four men looked at her with a brushed look.

"It should be after entering this time and space, and unwittingly affected by this time and space, changed our physique." Bei Yuyu guessed according to these circumstances.

A few people were shocked. "Would we become them, will we become half-orcs?"

When I thought of turning into a beast, several people unconsciously shrank their heads.

"Do not worry. These females are not the same as males. The male performance is switched between the beast and the human, but the female can only maintain the human form and cannot be transformed into an animal shape. Therefore, the female is very fragile and needs male protection. Here the female The chances of surviving are very low, causing many orcs to have no female reproductive offspring. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the females in the tribe have several orc husbands."

The four thought carefully, and it was really common to see a few orcs around the female.

"I think that one of me is enough, and several people can't afford it." Ye Qiaoqiao thought of the orcs who like ostriches in the Lions tribe, and the pretty faces became red.

The blonde saw the shy look of Ye Qiaoqiao and thought of the big bird of the Lions of the Lions. "Hey, the little sister is shy. After you have tasted it, you will want more and better."

(End of this chapter)

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