Chapter 1180 Half-Beast 33

Dou Jiu looked at the orc with surprise, "North?"

"Yes, it's North. North is also a wizard." The female did not notice the face of the wizard, and said with great interest.

Duo 9 was surprised and turned to look at the north rain, "Thank you."

"Nothing. My prayers can save your life, and the **** I believe in bless you."

"Thank you for the blessing of the gods." Dou Jiu sincere thanks.

The wizard at the side saw this, his face became very ugly, and she left without looking back.

After the rain and her said some precautions, she took her freshly picked herbs back to Yanmeng’s home. After the departure of the northern rain, the orcs in the entire tribe knew that the northern rain was a wizard.

Many orcs feel incredible, and there is a wizard in the tribe, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

In the evening, only a squeak was heard, and all the females who were male out of the house went out of the house, and a group of orcs came toward the tribe. After entering the tribe, they turned into an adult shape.

In the first time, Yan Meng looked into the female pile and saw the little female of his family at a glance. She is also looking at herself, the two men's eyes meet in the air.

Yan Meng's eyebrows rose slightly, excitedly walked toward her, prey placed in front of her, glaring at the golden eyes, a look of 'seeking praise' looked at her.

Bei Yuyu looked at his sweat and covered his toes. He reached out and gently wiped the sweat from his face.

Yan Meng was shocked by her gentle movements, staring at her, the golden scorpion smashed the light, and the light became brighter and brighter.

Ans and others who stood not far away saw this scene, and the bottom of their hearts could not hide the jealousy of Yanmeng.

That little female is good for Yanmeng, so that they want to take her for herself.

The surrounding females were surprised to see the food hunted by Yan Meng, and the whole team had the most prey to hunt.

Someone joked: "After having a spouse, Yan Meng has become very powerful. Hey, this prey is much more than before."

"It is not the same with a spouse."

Around the people said, no matter what they said is a good word or burying, Yan Meng lips are smiling.

The next day, Yanmeng was still in the hunting team.

The northern rains are still doing their own thing, picking herbs outside and then putting them outside to dry.

When the evening sounds, when the buzzing sounds, Bei Yuying, like other orcs, walked out of the house and headed for the gate of the tribe.

A group of people came back vigorously, and everyone brought a lot of prey.

At the sight of the north rain, I found the crowd in the middle of the rain.

Yan Meng’s mood today is somewhat low. For no reason, the food he hunted was the least. There were only two bronze pigs.

Bei Yuyu looked at the look of dejected, and he understood his mind at a glance.

In fact, his mind is very understandable, and everything is written on his face.

Bei Yuyu said to him: "It’s really amazing to hit two bronze pigs today."

Yan Meng looked up at her in surprise and didn't seem to understand why she was not disappointed, but praised herself.

The north rain picked up the toes and gently wiped the sweat on his face.

Yan Meng looked at her, and immediately filled with joy and touch.

North, did not dislike him.

Yan Meng’s lips have been slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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