Chapter 1184 Half-Beast 37

"North, you can go and see, the male Ange of Duo Jiu is about to die." The orc who came here to report said in a hurry.

The north rain façade stopped teaching, and the two followed the orc and hurried to the home of Duo Jiu.

When they arrived, the station was full of people.

When everyone saw the rain in the north, they made a road.

After entering the house, I did not see the wizard.

"Where is the wizard?" Bei Yusheng asked.

The orc said: "The wizard is communicating with the gods and cannot come."

The north rain 棠 slightly thought about the wizard's intention.

Where is her communication with the gods, it is clear that Ang's injury can not be saved, so I don't want to come over. For the second reason, I am afraid there is something for myself.

If she can't come, they will definitely come to ask her. At that time, she will not be rescued. It is estimated that there will be rumors that are not favorable to her in the tribe.

The northern rain rushed forward and looked at the dying Ange in the bed.

Ange opened a large mouth at the chest, at this time the blood can not stop the flow, if you do not stop the blood in time, I am afraid that blood will die.

When the northern rain came, it brought some commonly used medicines, the same one is the powder for stopping bleeding.

Bei Yuyu first cleaned his wounds. After he was disposed of, he sprayed powder on his wounds and used his skin to cover his wounds. The people outside are seeing the rain in the north.

They don't understand what she is doing there.

"Is this praying in the north?" asked the orc.


"I remember that this was not the case when she last prayed for the nine."

"The prayers in the north are special."

The orc outside the house looked at the north rain.

After he was dealing with his most deadly wound, Beiyu began to deal with other wounds on his body. When she was all done, her head was full of sweat.

After half an hour, Bei Yuyi handled all the wounds on his body.

"I have already passed with Tianshengou. As long as I have passed through tonight, he will be fine." Bei Yuyu said in the hometown with the omnipotent lines.

The orcs' physical fitness is better than those of them who come from outside the planet.

Bei Yuyu said something to the Duo, as long as she found out that he had a fever, he must wipe the forehead and body with the wet skin.

After the North Rains left, others followed.

By the second day, the orcs came to report and Ange woke up. He successfully passed the dangerous period, and the orcs who had doubts about the identity of the Northern Rain sorcerer now believe in it after seeing the safe Ang.

At the same time, an orc hurried to the wizard's residence. After she entered the house, she immediately slowed down.

“How?” The wizard saw someone who couldn’t wait to ask.

She had already asked Akin to find out the injury of Ange, and her description was to know that his life was not long. She did not go, but let the North Rain smashed her hand, waiting for her to suffer, and she couldn’t help Ange.

The incoming Ajin is the person who the sorcerer is waiting for, and the person who will inherit the sorcerer in the future.

Akin said to the wizard: "The wizard, Ange is safe and sound. I woke up this morning."

The wizard was shocked and looked at her with surprise. "He woke up?"

Akin nodded, "Yes."

The wizard brows tightly, "How is it possible!"

Ps: tenth, tenth...

[willing to have a fish life] [Small treasure] [micro blue ° shallow 殇] [咲] [Starry and fallen] [Mu Ye Xiao] [a face of Tingzi] [to wait for your long hair and waist labor cut a knife 】

[Because Shuai was assassinated] [一一七七] [蓝静依] [本渣] [柯穆棱] [etc, meteor] [Iyi] [dry fiber sculpture] [old light time]

[9] [Seafloor Mud] [Holding Nature Meng] [Three Years Snow] [] [nightmare]

Thank you for the little cute rewards, what?

(End of this chapter)

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