Chapter 1186 Half-beast 39

"Enlin and Shan Shi were besieged by the people of the Canglang tribe. Now they are dying, I am afraid it will not work." The orc said in a hurry.

"I gonna go see."

Yan Meng also followed the meat in his hands and followed them to the place where Enlin and Shan Shi lived.

On the way, Bei Yuyu asked the orc: "Is the wizard a past?"

"Yongda used to ask the wizard, and I think I should come with us."

Come together, that's interesting.

The last time, the tribe's orcs recognized the identity of her wizard.

This time it is possible to let them know who is the real sorcerer.

When the group of people from the north rain arrived, it happened that the wizard had arrived. When the old wizard saw the northern rain, the smoky eyes stared at her, and the cold eyes were like being stared by poisonous snakes.

The leader of the Three Stone tribes saw the two coming and immediately greeted them.

"Two wizards, this time Enlin and Shan Shi will get rid of you."

The wizard still maintains her usual style, and cold arrogant nod.

Bei Yuyu was facing a slight dagger. "Let us first look at the situation of the two."

"it is good."

The leader of the Three Stones tribe took the lead and the wizard took the first step in front, as if only walking in front could show her status higher than her.

Bei Yuyu looked at the wizard who was walking in front of him and did not care.

After entering the house, I saw two people lying on the bed, no blood on the face, wounds all over the body, caused by sharp claws, but also caused by foreign objects.

The situation of the two is very miserable. This kind of injury, in this backward primitive tribe, the chance of wanting to survive is very difficult.

The orc's physical fitness is very strong. Even if it is strong and not properly handled, it will still die.

Why the orc population has not been able to increase, first of all the harsh conditions, coupled with the high mortality rate of newborn cubs, the troubles of beasts, and the contradictions between tribes, are factors that lead to the inability of the orcs to increase.

The wizard walked over to the two and carefully looked at the wounds of the two. Enlin’s wounds are obviously heavier than Shan Shi’s, and the chances of the two of them being able to survive are higher than those of Enlin.

The wizard turned to the leader and said, "I and the North Wizard both prayed alone. I am responsible for Shan Shi, and Enlin is handed over to the North."

The leader couldn’t help but look northward and ask her for advice. “I think I should ask them both, and I want to choose who pray for them. Only with the trust of the whole heart can I pass my prayers to the gods. If it is in my heart, If you don’t trust or are dissatisfied, you can’t do it.”

Enlin and Shan Shi were not in a coma, and they naturally heard her words.

The leader thought that what Bei Yuxi said was justified. Look at them. "You choose yourself, who will pray for you."

Shan Shi first said: "Old wizard."

Enlin looked at the north rain, "North."

The leader could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but fortunately they chose one each. If both of them choose one at the same time, they will offend another person.

At the request of the wizard, Enlin was moved to the wooden house next door.

There is no objection to the North Rain.

The people in the tribe are kept outside the two wooden houses, and they are waiting for the results.

This time, the wizard used Shan Shi to learn what he had learned all his life, and used all the methods she knew on him.

There is a war without smoke between her and the North Rain.

Ps: Sorry, the situation is special today, the update will be later. Just write it and update it...

Ink is on the verge of collapse, ah ah... I want to rest in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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