Chapter 1193 Half-Beast 46

The wind and snow outside the caves, even if they keep the animal shape, have been frozen by this cold weather. But all the orcs did not retreat, constantly moving forward, looking for traces of prey in the snow-covered forest.

A few days ago, the volcanic eruption, the forest burned, and it took two days and two nights to stop, and the range of burning did not extend to where they were hiding. Even if the prey left in this forest, after this change, many have left.

This allowed Yanmeng to have to stay away from their current area and move further afield.

The golden lion was in the snowy forest. In the cold weather, he was trembling with cold. I don't know if he walked too fast and he was completely out of the team.

Yanmeng greeted the wind and snow, carefully smelling the air, paying attention to whether there is an animal mark in the snow.

In a short while, I saw a suspicious snow cave in the snow.

Yan Meng went in and smelled it, and there was a smell of squirrels inside. The meat of the hamster is very delicious, but it is extremely difficult to catch it. In addition, it is not as big as the size of one leg of the copper porcupine. Therefore, the orcs rarely catch the guinea pig.

Today, I have been walking in the snow for a long time and I have not seen the imprint of animals. This is the only place where the fire is open and the hole is opened. He thought that there would be a guinea pig. I didn't expect the squirrel to be in the cave. Instead, he found a lot of purple fruit in his cave.

I want to come here is the food stored in the hamster.

These things are all wrapped in animal skin, biting the skin and moving on.

It was not until the darkness that he could not find any prey.

When they returned to the cave where they lived, they met Ans on the way. Ans was lucky enough to hunt a bronze pig, and the rest did not.

When Ans saw Yanmeng, he saw that he had not hunted the prey and his mood became broken.

When they returned to the cave, the females who had been eagerly awaited did not see any prey, and the eyes were full of loss. Yan Meng handed the wrapped things to the north rain.

"I was looking for it in the cave of the squirrel." Yan Meng looked down and looked awkward. He could not hunt for prey and could not let the female eat meat.

The northern rain 棠 opened the parcel, opened the dark purple thing, and tasted it gently. This thing is a bit similar to sweet potato, but the starch content is not as high as starch, it is crisp and sweet.

The northern rain smashed the sweet potato into two halves and handed it to him half. "It's delicious. You try it."

Yan Meng took it from her hand and took a bite, and there was no special reaction.

When he saw him in the north, he knew that he didn't like to eat.

It’s good to see the rain in the north. After all, the meat is delicious, and it will be greasy every day.

The northern rain 棠 decided to put this thing like a sweet potato, called sweet potato. This sweet potato is very big, and each has three fist sizes.

She was thrown into the fire and slowly cooked.

Bei Yuyu knew that he didn't like to eat this thing. He took the last pack of dried meat from the parcel and gave it to him half.

Yan Meng is shaking his head and saying that he does not eat.

He wants to leave these foods to her.

Bei Yu’s eyebrows screamed and ordered: “Eat.”

When I was in the heat, I didn’t dare to push it again. I took it from her hand and ate it. Only he carefully tore off most of the meat and handed it back to the front of the rain, "eat."

(End of this chapter)

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