Chapter 1304 Gray Life 67

Many understand, and they all understand the meaning of the north rain.

Like that experience, not everyone dares to mention it, not everyone dares to face it. Say it once, it is already using the greatest courage.

She is not willing to mention it again, and it is justifiable.

No one wants his own scars, and **** stalls in front of people.

It is the courage and the determination of the North Rain to dare to tell such a past, to expose the most unbearable and most embarrassing nakedness to the world.

The original Northern Rain can't do it because it is her biggest secret and the secret that she never wants to mention in this life.

They are grasping this, unscrupulously using online public opinion, kidnapping her with high morality, and accepting everything that should not be what she should bear.

Now that the northern rain is coming, she wants to give the original official history a light rain, to give her a clear and fame.

The people who do the wrong thing are them, not her.

Why do they live with peace of mind, and all the faults and sufferings are placed on her.

Ye Qing did not see it, and the same Zhang Bingsheng did not see it.

Bei Yuyu said to the camera in a word: "I was the lamb to be slaughtered at that time. He is a **** with violent tendencies for me. If the combination in that case is a husband and wife, Then there is no such thing as **** in the world."

The pot has been blasted on the internet.

This program of Beiyuyu was recorded a few months ago, and there is no false remedy excuses. After all, no one knows that one day the man would bring her to find her.

The people on the Internet are not stupid, and it is not at a glance.

At the same time, some people found a video of Zhang Bingsheng's child abuse at the door of the North Group, and a video that Cao Ren secretly recorded. These videos are all different time periods, different places, uploaded by different people, so that the net names are more certain and recognize Zhang Bingsheng's personality.

These videos were smashed out a little bit, and Zhang Bingsheng’s thick, honest and honest face was hidden under the face of a beastly heart.

Before the audience's sympathy for him, this time has disappeared, but one by one has aversion to him.

"I rely on, watching those videos, and then fully talk with Bei Yuxi."

"Mom's egg, this animal-like person, what is the face of the husband who is north rain."

"This kind of scum, saying that he is a beast is a word that insults the beast."

"This kind of person should be taken to shoot, and living in the world is a waste of air."

"I am tempered, I can't wait to rush to kill him."


Everyone on the Internet expressed their anger at the bottom of their hearts and disliked Zhang Bingsheng.

Just in the snoring, a different voice appeared.

"Don't you think that the reporter named Ye is even more abhorrent. If Bei Yuyi did not record the interview and did not tell her about her experience a few months ago, wouldn't it be for her to suffer?"

"After the upstairs Xiongtai reminded, it is true."

"Hey, I finally understand why Bei Yuqi would ask her what the reporter is doing. Mom, I understand the meaning of Bei Yuxi. She is not saying that the reporter is not worthy of a reporter. Before investigating things, let's make a final conclusion."

(End of this chapter)

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