Chapter 1307 Gray Life 70

People on the Internet saw Zhang Bingsheng rushing over, and the next picture was cut off by the TV station, so that they could not know the follow-up.

In fact, from the behavior of Zhang Bingsheng, it can be seen that this person has a tendency to violence and is ignorant of many things outside and does not understand anything. Many of his things have stayed for more than a decade, and have not changed at all.

This time the webcast, that is called ups and downs, I am afraid there is no more drama than this.

The three channels have made the financial channel, so that the financial channel's first acceptance rate exceeds other channel columns, and the three channels that should have been booming have become a joke in the industry.

The employees who went to the director and down to the bottom were all implicated. Every time in the industry, many people will mention this from time to time.

Of course, all this is afterward.

At the moment, when the northern rains left with Zhang Xiaoshan, she gave the lawyers a full responsibility for the matter.

Although it is a long time, according to the recently collected materials, the issue of the ownership of Zhang Xiaoshan, North Yu Yan is not worried at all.

On the Internet, about selling children, the sale of women once again caught the attention of the masses, but the government began to pay attention to it and cracked on it for a while.

On the other hand, a family of three historians staying in prison saw an interview with Bei Yuxi in the news of the next day. From her mouth, the two old historians immediately determined that Bei Yuyu was their daughter.

Shimu said excitedly: "She is our daughter."

The father also nodded excitedly. "Nothing wrong. This is definitely not a mistake."

"The DNA is not allowed at all." Shimu said indignantly.

"We have to let her know that we are her parents. When she will not pursue us again, we can go out." Shimu said with excitement.

The two mothers and the priest began to wrap around the prison, wanting to call them the north rain. How can people in the prison listen to their words and never pay attention to them.

Someone came to visit them when they had no choice.

The father and the historian were taken out of the cell by the prison guards. When they came out, they saw the people standing outside the glass door. When seeing the coming, the Father and the Mother of God were very bright.

They thought she would never see her again, and she didn't think she had found it herself.

Shimu couldn't wait to pick up the phone and said to Bei Yuxi: "Rain, rain, we are your biological parents. If you don't believe, you can do DNA. We really didn't lie to you."

Shimu also prepared a lot of words, trying to convince the Northern Rain, let her believe in herself, just her words, no chance to say, just because Bei Yuxi said a word.

"I know."

The historian and the father were slightly stunned, and the mother couldn’t help but ask: "What did you just say?"

The two people who looked at the dumbfounded with a smile in the north, said clearly and plainly: "I know that you are my biological parents."

The father and the mother were dumbfounded and looked at her incredulously.

"That, then why are you..."

"You want to say, why do you know that you are my parents, but you don't recognize them, are you right?"

The father and the historian nodded, "Why?"

The northern rain snorted, with a touch of irony in his tone. "Why? Don't you know? From the day you sold me to the trafficker, you are not my parents."

Ps: There are two more... wait a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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