Chapter 1316 The Real World

The northern rain gaze swept through these tables and chairs, and there was nothing special about it.

After coming out of the lecture class, Bei Yuyu entered the next room.

The room was the place where Zhang Fuzi rested on weekdays. On the Android, there was a pen and ink basket, and there were rows of bookshelves in the house. The entire room is undoubtedly furnished in an ordinary study.

The northern rain began to groping in the house. When her hand touched an object on the shelf, she gently turned it, and the bookshelf on the side slowly moved away.

The north rains looked at the removed bookshelf, and the cold scorpion picked up slightly.

A secret passage emerges from the back of the bookshelf. The north rain squats and enters. The secret passage is not very long. It is only the blink of an eye that comes to an end. The candlelight appears below, and the sound of fighting is looming.

Bei Yu’s heart was tight, and he went on a sprint. When he turned, he saw Zhang Fuzi pressing the kid ink, and the kid ink was fighting hard.

"Don't struggle, baby." Zhang Zikai did not think that the effect of the drug faded so fast.

According to past experience, he will not necessarily wake up after he has finished the matter. However, this time there was an accident.

The little guy actually woke up in advance, and the clothes were not finished.

However, even if he woke up, Zhang Zikai did not intend to let him go. This doll is so beautiful, it is the most beautiful thing he has seen in these years, and it is also his most heart-warming.

Zhang Zikai has already inquired that they are orphans and widows. Even if there is anything, there is nowhere to go. He is sure to control this little guy, but let him become his own imprisonment.

Zhang Zikai's claws stretched out to Xiao Moer. Although Xiaozi ink woke up, there was still a drug effect in his body. His body was weak and he could not use him to deal with him.

When I saw this in the north rain, I couldn't know what it was. There was an undercurrent in the cold bottom of the cold. The cold ice in the hand hit the air and hit him directly, while the fingertip silver needle flew. And out.

Zhang Zikai’s whole mind is on Xiaozi’s body, and he did not expect that a person would suddenly appear behind him.

The silver needle shot directly into his acupuncture point, letting his body slam and falling down.

At the moment he fell, Bei Yuyu had already arrived at them.

When Xiaozi Mo saw the rain in the north, his eyes were filled with tears, but the little guy was strong and did not cry, nor did he let the tears fall. Bei Yuyu looked at Xiaozi’s ink and was half-eaten. The flames were growing and the flames were growing.

The northern rain 棠 小 小 墨 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶 扶

Zhang Zikai pre-emptively said: "Mrs. Wood, what are you doing, I am giving me a medical treatment."

The north rain licked a sneer at the corner of his lips and walked toward him step by step.

Zhang Zikai was shocked by the breath that she said from her body. She only felt a chill on her back.

He swallowed unconsciously, "You, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do, you will soon know." North Rain said coldly.

Zhang Zikai is afraid, he is not a martial arts master, he is just a weak scholar with special hobbies.

"You, don't come over." His body couldn't stop moving back, only to be stabbed in the hands and legs of the North Rain.

(End of this chapter)

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