Chapter 1324 Real World

It was rare for the wind to look at him sideways. The eyes of the red fruit were saying, 'When are you an idiot?'

Lei Yu was suddenly stunned, and he was once again despised.

The man’s face is a hypocrite who is not righteous and hypocritical. He will fall to be tortured by a group of beggars, and at first glance someone will want to teach him.

In this case, they will not participate.

Lei Yuzhen actually understood in his heart, but he couldn’t help but ask, and the final result was his heart.

When the two of them passed to the foot of the mountain, suddenly, the two men's body was slightly.

They smelled the smell of thousands of people in the air, and the special smell was that Lei Yu was on his body. No one would not disappear.

"Thousands of people." Lei Yu squinted.

The two who were preparing to hurry changed their journey and they began to move towards the mountains.

If there is no smell in the breath, it will not escape the wind and the nose of Lei Yu. The scent can't be smelled by outsiders, only those who have been specially trained can sniff.

The two began to search in the mountains, it is the atmosphere that is too ethereal, so that they can not touch his specific location.

At the same time, Bei Yuqi and Xiaomoer identified more than half of the medicines.

Bei Yuyu watched his forehead overflowing with thin sweat, and pulled out the silk from the cuff to wipe him. "If you are tired, let's take a break."

Xiaozi ink shook his head. "I am not tired."

"Take the mother to rest for a while."

Xiaozi flashed his eyes and shouted at her. "Good."

The two found a place and sat on the big rock.

On the other side, a figure in the jungle is constantly fleeing in the forest. The man looked at the back from time to time, and his eyes flashed through the haze.

Damn, they were actually tracked by them.

Thousand-faced people saw the mother and son sitting on the big stone not far away, and the slanting long scorpion flashed a ray of calculations.

He went directly to the direction of the two mothers in the north rain.

When the thousand faces appeared, both Bei Yu and Xiao Zimo discovered his existence.

Thousands of people stumbled across the road to their mother and son, and shouted in their mouths: "Help, save lives."

Bei Yu and Xiaozi ink looked at him.

A few hours of hard work, people still hundreds of meters away, have already arrived at them. These speeds, if other people, must not be able to react.

Bei Yu and Xiao Moer are not the ones who have no strength in their hands. At the moment he approaches, they are well prepared.

Thousands of people suddenly stopped when they were a few steps away from them.

"This lady, help." Thousands of people shouted at the rain.

Bei Yu's sharp eyes looked at him, and the hand that he had just revealed showed that this person was very extraordinary. Those who have such skills, ask for help from them, there is no good thing.

Thousands of people saw that she did not respond, and her brow was slightly wrinkled. "This lady, I am being chased by the enemy. I need to borrow something from you. I don't know if you agree?"

"What?" asked Bei Yuyu.

"Your son." At the same time that the voice of the thousand faces fell, the hand had already gone toward the kid.

Both Bei Yu and Xiao Zi Mo responded at the same time. The kid ink rolled over and directly avoided the hand that he suddenly attacked. At the same time, the northern rain smashed and hit the thousand faces.

Just a face-to-face, let the thousand faces look awkward.

Ps: The correct way to see the meeting is as follows... hahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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