Chapter 1326: The Real World

Bei Yuyu looked at the handsome man who was hit, and his lips were slightly raised. He said faintly: "I want to say, my son has finished speaking for me."

Lei Yuzhen looked at the north rain, and then looked at the kid ink, the mind was in the air, a pair of eyes wide, "ah, I finally remembered."

He suddenly yelled and let Xiaozi Mo and Bei Yuqi look at him in a circle.

Lei Yu's voice said with a hint of excitement: "You are the mother and son."

Northern rain;

Kid ink:...

I don't understand what the goods are excited about. Looking at him, he seems to know them, but North Rain is sure that they will not know him.

North Rain can't help but remind him again, "If you don't chase it again, he will run away."

Lei Yuxi has only recovered from the excitement.

Just then, there was a fighting voice in the distance. Deaf people's hearing is absolutely comparable to ordinary people, and they are naturally heard. The north rain scorpion and the kid ink look sideways at the sound source.

Lei Yu霆 put away a hippie smile, his face was heavy, turned and went to the other side.

Both Bei Yu and Xiaozi Mo saw the evil spirits of Lei Yu and disappeared from their vision.

Xiaozi ink snorted in the direction of Lei Yu's departure with some exclamation: "Mother, his kung fu is very powerful."

Bei Yuyu nodded in agreement and saw the worship and desire in his eyes. He could not help but lick his hair. "When the children grow up, they will become so powerful."

"Mother, he just showed up that the mother had said ‘light work’ before?” asked Xiaozi Mo.

North Rain nodded, "Yes."

"Do you want to learn?"

The little boy inked a little, and his black eyes filled with eagerness, and that was unbearable. Kid ink will not lie to the north rain, nod to her.

"Wait later, I will find you a master who will be light." Bei Yuyu promised to him.

The kid inked and nodded.

"Although we can't learn the great martial arts now, it doesn't prevent us from going to visit the master's showdown." Bei Yuyu chuckled.

The northern rain squats back and takes the hand of Xiaomo, and goes to the place where the fight is going.

The two of them will not be easy, and they will not be able to do so, and they will leave in an instant.

They can only rely on their legs to walk.

The fighting places didn't sound far. In fact, there were still some distances to walk. When they were about to get close to the center of the battle, they found that the surrounding trees were ravaged.

Just then, there was an angry roar of thousands of people above the sky.

"The wind is detached, do you have to kill it?"

When both the northern rain and the boy ink heard the sound, they recognized the master who was the one who had previously played against them.

After the thousand-faced people roared, Bei Yu and Xiaozi ink did not hear the person named “Wind Deviation”, but heard the huge sound of the trees when they fell to the ground.

Although they can't see it, it can be imagined that the person who called the wind is directly answering his question with action.

The voice of the rumbling echoed in the woods, and the earth shook.

If other people encounter such a fierce battle, it must be how far away they are, but the North Rain is with a excited little kid ink, going to the battle center.

They had not yet entered, and suddenly a trunk 20 cm in diameter flew toward them.

Ps: I really want to sleep... so sleepy!

Going to bed, make up tomorrow... Cough, you will see it tomorrow.

I went to sleep first, too sleepy. It’s too painful to eat cold medicine.

Although it feels dangerous to be killed when you stop here, you can write a good text in a good state.

When the cough, sputum and wind are so important, the ink master has to write in the best state.

So, I am sleeping. I really slept.

I will update it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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