Chapter 1329 Real World

"The notice goes on, telling everyone, all the search for the woman. Once found, immediately report." Gu Qing calmly gave orders.

It seems that Missy’s approach is correct. At that time, she should be forced to hand over the secret recipe and kill him.

After finding her this time, she must not let her go.

Gu Qing’s eyes passed a cold light.


Seven days have passed very quickly. During these seven days, Bei Yu has been patiently teaching Xiao Moer, and is also making liquid medicine. Sometimes Xiao Moer will help her.

On this evening, Xiaozi Mo knew that she was going to fall asleep again. He stood at the door of the room and looked at her with his small head. "Mother, Moh, wait for you to wake up."

Bei Yuyu looked at this sensible little guy and couldn't help but kiss him on his pink and tender face. "Well. My family's ink is really awkward."

The little guy is still shy and blushing as always.

His small earlobe squinted with a small face.

Bei Yu Yan couldn't help but kiss him on his red face. "It's incense."

"Mother-in-law." Xiaomoer flashed the grape-like slick eyes and looked at her with a small mouth.

The mother-in-law’s hooliganism made him dilute in the blink of an eye.

Bei Yuyu looked at the little guy’s complaint and laughed.

"Hey, go to sleep."

Bei Yuyu watched Xiaozi ink enter the room, the lights in the house went out, and she turned to enter her house, turned off the lights and lay in bed.

"Enter the mission."

[Host, just received a special task. 】

"What mission?"

[The rescue system has failed due to the failure, and the world of all planes has collapsed. It is urgent for the mission to save. Now dispatch a group of missions to the world of the plane that is about to collapse. According to the comprehensive data of the host, the standard of the rescue mission is reached. I don't know if the host is willing to go. 】

"What's good?"

It’s no accident that I heard her question.

This is the case with the virtues of his family.

[Once the task is successfully completed, the points double. The host can get two hundred points at a time. 】

Hearing that he could get two hundred points, Bei Yuxi was moved, but with a cautious attitude, she did not immediately agree.

“Is the task difficulty bigger than before?”

The truth that Bei Yu knows, there is no such thing as a pie in the world.

After hearing her question, her lips smirked.

The host of his family is so calm and intelligent that he will not be overwhelmed by the benefits.

[Yes, it is not right. 】

North Rain 棠 eyebrows, wait for it to explain.

[The salvation system is different from our scum system. Its mission is to save the world destroyed by the villain and prevent the world from being destroyed. All the actor must face are some mad, extremely dangerous big villains. Most of these people are mad terrorists, evil devils, and traitors of human faces.]

As the sound of the meditation fell, the northern rain frowned slightly, and it goes without saying that the difficulty factor has increased several levels.

The meditation suddenly turns, [of course, you don't have to worry. Although they are all extremes, they have the opportunity to kill them or influence them to stop them from destroying the world. 】

"Oh, hehe." Bei Yuyu only returned three words.

Ignore the northern rain, contempt for the look, continue to say [the biggest difference between the rescue system and our scum system is to save the system risk factor, a large proportion depends on luck. 】

(End of this chapter)

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