Chapter 1332 Raiders villain BOSS3

Ou Nan is the four young masters of the European family. It is also one of the world's masters of the family. Too many people want to tie him up. If he knows that he is dissatisfied with Beichen, he will naturally teach him to please Ou Nan.

Beichen’s days at school are not good. Every day, people will find him troubles. He often sees him being bullied by a group of students. However, he silently endured.

He did not dare to resist, because these people are not the ones he can afford.

He wants to leave that home, but he can only rely on continuous learning, and he can leave when he is out of the crowd.

Beichen’s family is very bad. He lives in a slum. His father is not only a gambler but also an alcoholic. Every time he loses money after gambling or gets drunk, he will beat him and his mother.

His mother was a weak woman, and the hard earned money every day, except for the expenses of her family, was all gambling by his father. The family often can't make ends meet, and even have to rely on Beichen to work outside, in order to spend the day.

He wants to take his mother many times, but the weak mother is too afraid of the devil-like man. She did not dare to escape, she was afraid that the man would find them, only to exchange for his tougher beating.

For the mother, Beichen endured the beating of his father every day, and even killed him several times. If the non-neighbors stop, I am afraid that his life has long since disappeared.

In Beichen's living environment, except that darkness is darkness, he can't see a trace of light. Until one day, when he came back early, he heard the dialogue of his biological parents, only to know that his mother was not cowardly and did not dare to escape the demon father, but she deliberately did not leave, in order to torture him.

Because she was the product left by her and her ex-boyfriend after stealing the forbidden fruit.

After she was pregnant, the man abandoned.

She originally wanted to get rid of the child, but her body could not bear the abortion and only gave birth to him. In order to cover up her unmarried pregnancy, she hurriedly married the North Country Rong of the little punk.

When Northland was honored, she did not know that her independence was still a small one, and she did not know until the two married. Since then, Bei Guorong has not seen their mother and son.

Zhang Fang feels that the reason why her life will become so is because Beichen is that Beichen ruined her. If it is not impossible to get rid of him, she will not be forced to marry the North Korean glory.

Therefore, every time I saw the North Country’s brilliance and hitting Beichen, she would be 'weakly' hiding in the side and watching the man hit him with a piece of scale, only then she felt that the resentment in the bottom of her heart would dissipate. some.

Beichen always thought that her mother loved him, but her character made it so that she did not dare to resist her father. At that time, when he saw his father beat the mother, he would rush to beat her.

However, when the truth of the matter is revealed, it is so ugly.

On the day when the truth was known, Beichen was completely blackened, and the body stimulated an ability to break down the special abilities of all things. He used his power to kill his parents.

When he returned to school on the second day, he wanted to kill someone who had bullied him. After he killed more than a dozen people, he was surrounded by the police. In the face of heavy encirclement, he killed countless policemen and eventually fled.

Since that day, Beichen has disappeared.

Ten years later, when he reappeared, he became the world's number one terrorist.

(End of this chapter)

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