Chapter 1348 Raiders villain BOSS19



"Mom's egg, just not happy for too long, it was poured into a cold water, too bad."

"The upstairs upstairs upstairs man on the upstairs, you can roll off."

The students in the entire college, this day are crazy brushing, brushing the north rain and the Eurasian gossip. Brushing, brushing the appearance of Xiahou Yiming, no one seriously listened to the class.

Even Beichen, who has been unable to keep his attention from learning, has always been outside.

Beichen looks like he is looking at the front, and he listens carefully to the class. However, the lingering light of his eyes is from time to time to look northward, and the darkness of the darkness flashes with dark and unclear light.

Bei Yu Yan naturally noticed the anomaly of Bei Chen, but she did not know what to do, what to do or what to do.

On the other side, Ou Nan, who became a joke, is now in the medical room.

"Ou Shao, already bandaged, will be better in a while." The young doctor said politely.

Ou Nan ignored him and looked down at the bandaged fingers. The whole person was gloomy and terrible.

North Yu Yan, this account he will let her back up sooner or later.

The young doctor was stunned by the coldness of his body and he felt that he was not shrinking his neck. He still wanted to say something, but eventually closed his mouth silently.

Although the doctor is not a student, I still know something about him and the rain.

Taking advantage of his appearance at this time, 80% of this injury is from the hands of the North Rain, or else as a southern European identity has long been worried.

Hey, it’s horrible for a woman to pick it up.

When Ou Nan got out of the infirmary, he pulled out a cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The phone end quickly sent a diligent voice.

"European, how are you so free today?"

Ou Nan Shen Sheng: "Joe four, help me deal with one person."

Joe heard the gloomy voice in the voice of Ou Nan, and his heart sighed. "I don't know who got rid of Ou Shao, that person really doesn't have long eyes."

Qiao Si is really afraid that Ou Nan will let him deal with those powerful families. After all, the people who dare to provoke the European Union will not be low. He is just a character on the road, his arms are not twisted, and he dares to be an enemy of those powerful families.

However, since Ou Nan has spoken, he can't refuse it. He can only ask with a scalp.

"Bei Chen." Ou Nan said gloomy.

When Joe heard the ‘North’ surname, he shuddered. North is one of the eight major families and ranks among the top three in the eight major families.

Although the European family is also the eight major families, but the strength is slightly worse than the North, most ranked in the sixth.

This Europeans wants him to go to the North family. Isn’t this going to send him to the guillotine?

He did not dare to use the power of the family, they will deal with these small shrimps to deal with giants, this is not to give them a way to live.

Joe is suffering in four hearts.

This is related to his family's ups and downs, the entire gang's life, he had to risk the crime of offending Eunan to reject this.

Qiao Si is very euphemistic and said: "Ou Shao, you are not going to be a family with Miss Beijia. The North and the European family are immediately in-laws. If people know this later, they will be hurt." ”

Ou Nan listened to him and said a lot, his brows wrinkled more and more tightly. "Who told you that Beichen is a North family."

(End of this chapter)

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