Chapter 1350 Raiders villain BOSS21

It seems that it is hard to be safe.

Bei Yuyu regained his gaze and looked at the man in front of him. I don't know if it is her illusion. I always feel that he is like a person, especially a side face, very like a person.

Bei Yuyu tried hard to think, but the memory was a bit fuzzy, but he couldn’t think of who it was.

Xu is that Bei Yu's eyes are too hot, so that people who have been listening to the class can't concentrate. He turned his head slightly and saw her staring at him. The eyes were clearly watching him, but he seemed to look at him through him.

another person? !

Who is she looking at?

Bei Chen’s mind was unconsciously caught by her every move, and he did not know this change.

Sitting in the back row, Ou Nan can clearly see the actions of the two of them, and the two of them gaze eagerly at each other's eyes, and there is a anger in the bottom of his heart.

Although he did not like the north rain, but the north rain 棠 so quickly moved to love, which made his heart very uncomfortable.

The little white face is tempted by a face to seduce the rain.

If you ruin that face.

Ou Nan was full of malicious thoughts, he not only thought about it, but also sent a newsletter to Joe.

"Destroy his face."

After seeing the newsletter, Joe IV only returned a good word.

Qiao Si thought about it again and sent a newsletter to Ou Nan.

"I will start today."

After receiving the newsletter, Ou Nan is satisfied with their efficiency.

When he looked at Beichen again, his lips smirked with a cold smile. After today, you no longer have to see the **** untouchables.

The feelings of Ou Nan became better and their eyes were removed from their bodies.

In the evening, Bei Yu and Bei Chen were as usual, one hand carrying a bag, and one was walking around. When the school gate was reached, Beichen Trail went away from the car in the north rain.

When the northern rain suddenly looked sideways at the corner of the school gate, he saw two suspicious shackles there.

When she looked at the two, the two turned their heads in panic and then headed at her.

Seeing the two people, Bei Yu's lips and corners slightly twitched a strange arc.

The driver took the bag from Beichen's hand and opened the door for the North Rain. He stood side by side with respect.

Bei Yuyu got on the bus and looked at Beichen outside the car through the window.

He stood there all the time, the car slowly drove away, she could still see the smashing figure from the rearview mirror until the car was far away, and he could no longer see him.

Beichen looked at the car and left, carrying a schoolbag and slowly leaving.

The two suspicious men at the corner, their eyes have been staring at Beichen. When Beichen left, the two men took out their mobile phones and informed the boss who was stuck in front, and then followed him far behind.

Beichen returned to his home according to the usual driving route. When he walked through the bustling streets and entered the intersection between the slums, he suddenly saw five people blocking his way.

Bei Chen looked at the back side of the head and stood three people behind him.

Several people had bright knives in their hands, and they approached him step by step, pushing him into a secluded little alley.

Even in the face of this situation, Bei Chen’s face is still expressionless.

"I don't have any money on my body." Beichen said first.

Joe looked at the boy in front of him and looked really good. No wonder Ou Shao was killed and he destroyed his face.

(End of this chapter)

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