Chapter 1361 Raiders villain BOSS32

For a whole day, Bei Yuyu constantly instructed Beifeng to do this and do that. Beifeng did not say anything, according to what she said.

Bei Yu Yan looked at him and smiled at his lips.

In fact, getting along with Beifeng is very simple.

Wait until the second day, North Maple left, North Father North Mother appeared.

For two days, Bei Yu and the North family met one face and met in this special way.

Bei Yuyi successfully persuaded the North Father and removed the 24-hour bodyguard.

After a day of rushing with the northern rain, they left one after another. They are too busy, too busy, and there are too many things that they need to deal with. In the days that followed, Bei Yuyu resumed a person's day.

The north rain lie on the hospital bed and ponder one thing.

"Xiao Cui, help me change a double ward."

Xiao Cui squinted and looked confused. "Miss, is it uncomfortable here?"

"Comfortable, it is too lonely. I want to find someone to accompany me."

Xiao Cui immediately thought of Beichen. "Miss, you shouldn't want to let Beichen come with you?"

North Rain smiled. "What do you think?"

Xiao Cui frowned. "Miss, I think the girl is still a little better."

"What do you mean by saying that your lady is not reserved?" Bei Yu Yan Yin looked at her.

Xiao Cui was seen by her in her heart, and waved her hand again and again. "No, no, I mean, say..."

The north rain did not tease her. "Well, do you want to change me a double ward, or let people put a bed in this room, let people move Beichen here."

Xiao Cui knows her temper and will not change once she makes the decision.

Half an hour later, a bed was placed in the ward of Beiyuyu. Under the support of Xiao Cui, Bei Yu squatted down the bed and headed for the floor where Bei Chen was located.

When I got out of the elevator, I heard a snoring sound coming from the corridor.

Xiao Cui stretched his neck and looked at the sound source. "Miss, there is something to think about. The room, I think it is the ward of Beichen."


The two immediately went to the place where the accident occurred. They had not yet approached, and they heard a screaming male voice screaming there, accompanied by a woman crying.

"Sir, the person who pays for your medical expenses is really not the one who hurt your son." The head nurse said bitterly.

The middle-aged man said fiercely: "You help the rich people to lie to us. If he hurts my son, he will be so kind to pay for my son's medical expenses."

"Sir, we really didn't lie to you." The head nurse was a headache.

Bei Guorong does not listen to the head nurse. "You don't have to yell at them. We don't bother you. Just tell me, who is the person who pays for my son?"

How could the head nurse say the people of the North?

This man looks at it for the sake of saving money, and is for the sake of his son. Otherwise, it didn't happen for so many days, it only appeared until today.

The people around are whispering, but it is not difficult to see that North Guorong is guilty.

After all, you can arrange a separate ward in a private hospital, which is not cheap. The other party’s shot is so generous, and it’s not bad money at first glance. It’s certainly not going to hide for this money, and it’s irresponsible.

I want to come to the same as the nurse said, the other party is to see him awkward, only to give him medical expenses.

Ps: There are... a little wait.

(End of this chapter)

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