Chapter 1366 Raiders villain BOSS37

The figure is not tall, not burly, but rather thin and even not as tall as himself. However, it was such a thin and thin figure that propped up his wings and held him firmly behind him.

"I let her suffer." Beichen said one word at a time.

Bei Guorong’s eyes are round and staring, and his eyes are staring at Beichen. The eyes can’t wait to swallow him.

Zhang Fang also looked at him incredulously, never imagined that he would violate her meaning and ignore her pleading.

The heart of the North Rain has been holding a slight relief.

Just hearing the words that overflowed in his mouth, she just knew what he wanted to say. She did not know, in the end, what caused Beichen to change her mind and be willing to violate Zhang Fang’s wishes.

No matter what, this result makes Beiyuyu very satisfied.

From which she can at least see that her direction of the Raiders is right, she has already had a place in his heart.

Perhaps the location is only a small point, but there has been no small progress.

In the days to come, she will make that small position a little bigger.

Bei Guorong was angry and burned. He asked, "I’m going to say it again, who is it?"

Beichen looked at him indifferently, replied in a word: "I am so bad for her."

North Guorong couldn’t help it anymore, and he lifted his foot and went to him.

When his feet just reached him, a pair of slender legs slid into one foot and kicked him off. In the foot of the north rain, but with the addition of dark power, I heard North Guorong scream.

"Ah! It hurts, my legs are broken." North Guorong squatted and screamed in pain.

Zhang Fangyi heard the screams of Bei Guorong, tears and eyes looked at the north rain, "Little girl, how can you put such a heavy hand. He is the pillar of our family, if he has a good, you let our family How was the day?"

The north rains are under the control, and will never let this rogue have a chance to rely on her.

"This is a hospital. There is nothing in his legs. Just let the doctor see it, you know, instead of shouting twice, saying that it is broken and broken." Bei Yu said calmly.

The people around are accommodating.

"The little girl said this right, as long as the doctor came to see it."

"Yes. Go to the doctor of orthopedics."

As early as the rain came over, the head nurse had told the hospital's leader that he would now call the orthopedic surgeon. The following people immediately called. Soon after a year and a half, the domestic authority of the orthopedic surgeon came over.

At this time, Bei Guorong was lying on the ground, licking his calves, groaning in pain, and people who did not know must have thought that his leg injury was very serious.

Bei Guorong was set to pay attention and rely on her.

Beichen’s kid couldn’t stand it, just took advantage of this opportunity to take some money from her body and how much it could be.

After seeing the doctor, the doctor said to everyone: "His legs are fine."

Northland Rong was angry and angered and said: "My legs are so painful, how could it be okay. My legs must be broken. You are a quack, I don't believe you. I want to change doctors."

Among the crowds on the crowd, some people immediately said: "Doctor Xu is the most authoritative orthopedic surgeon in China. If he is a quack doctor, there are few doctors in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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