Chapter 1374 Raiders villain BOSS45

"That, that, I just remembered, I still have something in the car."

Said, Xiao Cui ran away from the smoke.

Bei Yuyu looked at her with satisfaction, and she was about to look at Beichen, her eyes urging him.

Bei Chen did not say anything. He chose to ignore the eye contact between the two of them.

At the next time, Beichen didn't have time to stay alone, because someone would let him do this and do that from time to time, let him completely forget that he was still a patient, a person abandoned by his parents.

"Bei Chen, I want to sleep, do you give me a story?" Bei Yuyu relied on the bed and looked at him sideways.

Beichen said in his dry, lifeless tone: "I won't."

The northern rain was very direct. I took out the story book prepared by her brother Beibei from the drawer and stuffed it into his hand. "Hey, just read it on it."

Beichen confessed to opening the book and began to read the book.

His voice was blunt from the beginning, slowly changing a little bit, the low-dumb voice, the straight-flowing overflow, like a mellow wine, the more tasteful.

The northern rain squinted, and the contents of the story were not heard in the ear. Only his voice was heard.

Suddenly, the door of the ward was opened.

The northern rain frowned and frowned, only when Xiao Cui came, and did not pay attention. Beichen is ignoring everything around him, focusing only on what is happening.

After the arrival of the arrival, I saw a squinting and enjoying the listening. One person read it intently, and the warm sunshine outside the window was on them, and the air was filled with warmth.

It seems to be a very beautiful picture on the outside, but it is an unusual glare for the newly entered Ou Nan, like the sunlight outside the house, which makes him squint.

Ou Nan holds a large bouquet of roses, his face is gloomy and terrible.

This **** citizen is really a big life. He is clever and knows to climb the North Rain.

This time he is lucky.

However, the next time it will never be that simple.

After the entrance of Ou Nan, the sharp nose of Bei Yu Yan smelled the smell of a cologne floating in the air. It was the fragrance that made her know who the coming person was.

The northern rain did not look at him, completely ignoring his existence.

Ou Nan waited for her to wait until she found her existence, just this, let him wait for the fire.

The woman actually ignored his existence.

She ignored the existence of her, and the low-ranking Dalits actually ignored his existence. These two people are just like saying good, deliberately ignoring his existence.

He is so big and has never been treated like this.

Ou Nan tried to control the expression on his face, but even so, his face looked slightly distorted.

After Ou Nan took a few deep breaths, he began to say: "Rain."

The northern rains are still squinting and completely ignored.

When Ou Nan saw this, his chest was ups and downs, and he tried to resist the urge to turn right. He spoke again. "Rain."

This time his voice was raised a lot.

The North Rain is still pretending to have nothing to hear.

Europe and South are not angry.

He wants to walk away from the crowd, but when he thinks about his father's account, he dare not do it. He can only swallow this bad smell silently.


This time he used it directly, and the snoring shocked Beichen’s voice slightly.

Ps: The second is more... Moye drove the car today and came back in the evening. The codewords that are struggling now, you wait a little. If you want to watch it together, you can wait until tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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