Chapter 1377 Raiders villain BOSS48

When the car enters the North's territory, it appears on the level of the level, and every level will be guarded by security personnel. In this case, he will only see it on TV.

Beichen looked around and became more and more open. When all the trees in front disappeared, a rolling castle appeared in front of him. The gorgeous castle, with the traces of the years, seemed so long.

The car continued to move forward, and the incredible castle gradually approached until their car stopped in front of the castle.

As soon as the car stopped, the door was opened. Beichen followed the north rain and got off the bus. He saw a row of maids and maids wearing gorgeous uniforms at the door.

When the northern rain rushed over, everyone bent down forty-five degrees, and the loud voice sounded together.

"Welcome Miss."

The northern rains did not squint from their middle, and Beichen followed suit behind her. After entering the castle, the entrance is a magnificent hall. The vast hall is full of thousands of people.

The ground light is visible to people, and everything placed around them is not a boutique. The wall is full of antique calligraphy and paintings.

Qin Guanjia came forward, "Miss, the room has been sorted out."

"Yeah." North Rain 棠 sighed. "His room, you just want to find a room for him to live."

The northern rain is very casual, and the light tone is like sending out a dispensable existence.

Hearing her tone so much, I don’t know why his heart is a little uncomfortable.

Beichen soon put this uncomfortable pressure on it.

Isn't it normal for her to do this? !

Qin Guanjia had a slight glimpse, and the lady had specifically called me before, so they had to arrange his room and arranged next to her. Now, let's say that, in the case of Miss Yan, the steward is in the heart.

Qin Guanjia smiled and said: "Yes."

"I went to the building to rest first, and he gave it to you." After the rain was finished, he turned to the floor.

Qin Guanjia eyes sent her to leave, waiting for her to go to the second floor. He turned around and looked at him with a sly look. He smiled and said, "Please come with me."

Behind the Qin Guanjia, Beichen went to the second floor and walked towards the end, stopping at the penultimate room at the end.

Pushing the door open, I saw that the room was completely new, and the design inside the house was very neutral, slightly biased towards the male, as if it was designed for him.

The Qin Guanjia did not say anything. He only said one sentence, "If you have any dissatisfaction, you can talk to me."

Looking at this luxurious room, Beichen seems to be dreaming.

He never thought that one day he would live in the castle.

Beichen shook his head.

"Then you rest, there are things you can call inside."

Beichen nodded.

Qin Guanjia retired.

Beichen looked at the luxurious room and only thought that everything was so unreal. He sat on the bed, and his hand came with a silky touch, which was made of fine silk.

Beichen looked at the notebooks, mobile phones, books and books on the table.

He thought they would give him a room to live in, and did not expect it would be here. The good here makes him a little surprised.

In the room next door, the north rain 棠 eats fruit, browses the BBS forum in the school, and sees the most about the love affairs of the European Union. For his left and right hug, Bei Yuyu had no feeling, but he felt that his behavior was somewhat naive.

(End of this chapter)

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