Chapter 1385 Raiders villain BOSS56

Beichen climbed up hard and just raised a head.

Huang Xuan stepped on his foot and stepped him back into the dirt.

Beichen bit his teeth and climbed again.

He wants to prove that he is not a weak, he has a place she deserves. He is eager to prove that she is not so good to him because of sympathy.

No, absolutely not sympathy.

He wants to get up, he wants to get up.

Huang Xuan waited for the evil taste, waiting for him to lift his body, and he stepped on him with a heavy foot.

"Poor worm, you are up." Huang Xuan smiled and looked at the man who was dying at his feet.

There was something overflowing in the depths of Beichen Rumo’s eyes. No one noticed it. Even he himself did not know that something was being released by him.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind. He wanted to become strong and strong.

He wants strength and needs to be able to defeat their power.

He can't admit defeat.

Beichen bit his teeth, his hands on the ground, a little bit straight up, and he will stand up again. Huang Xuan kicked his foot and his body rolled to the side and hit the trunk on the side.

His funny look, amused them successfully. A group of people laughed at him with impunity.

"I am afraid that I can't afford to climb. What are your qualifications for having a northern rain?"

"A man who needs a woman to protect, that is waste. You are a waste hiding behind a woman, like a waste like you, what is the qualification to own her." Huang Xuan ridiculed.

The black cockroaches of Beichen gradually became dark, and a little blood red appeared in the depths of the bottom of the skull. The blood-red bloodshot blood was like a vine, covering his eyes a little.

The pressure in his body became silent and silent, and a repressed breath spread from his surroundings.

The terrible power in his body, he heard the desire in his heart, his call, a little recovery.

At the same time, I went back to the classroom and looked at the empty classroom. I was surprised. I heard the sound of the silence in my ear.

[Host Please note that the devastating abilities of the villain BOSS are about to recover. Please host to stop his recovery as soon as possible. 】

"What?!" North Rain was shocked.

"Where is he now?"

[According to the system treaty, the host does not have permission to consult. 】

The northern rains were too lazy to talk nonsense with the system, rushed out of the classroom, and walked toward the outside, constantly chanting the name of Beichen. In the long corridor, I heard the sound of the north rain screaming.

There is no teaching building, so it must be outside.

[Hey, the host should note that the villain awakening of the villain has reached 30%. Once the villain awakens to 60, it will not stop. 】

Damn, where is he?

The northern rain rushed anxiously looking for it, and the system’s prompt voice was completely fueled by the fire, making her even more anxious.

[Hey, the host should pay attention to the fact that the villain BOSS abilities are awakened by 35 percent. 】

[Hey, the host should pay attention to the fact that the villain BOSS awakens 40%. 】

[Hey, the host please note that the villain awakening of the villain is forty-five percent. 】

The north rain took out the teaching building, stood at the door, and looked at the big college. Such a large college, wanting to find him in a short time, is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

If it is blindly looking like a headless fly, it will definitely not work.

Bei Yuyu told himself to calm down and calm down.

Ps: It's over... It's two o'clock in the morning, no one should watch it.

good night……

There is actually a chapter, but the code word is too late, or look at it tomorrow.

Moye will upload it during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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