Chapter 1392 Raiders villain BOSS63

Beichen turned over his head and opened his eyes slightly. He saw Beiyuyu sitting on the side and looking at the book. The warm sunshine outside the window fell on her body. It seemed to give her a faint glow, reflecting the perfection. The side face is like a layer of light, awkward, extraordinarily beautiful.

Under the view of Beichen, I did not feel that I had forgotten my original intention and forgot everything.

There is only her presence in his eyes.

She sat quietly, looked at the book, and stayed by his side.

Being cared for and being valued is so beautiful, like a poppy, it is addictive, so that he wants to hold her firmly in his hand and never let go.

Bei Chen looked at her eyes a little bit hot, and there was a stubborn look in her hot eyes. The obsession was deeply imprinted on his heart.

When Bei Yuxi saw half of the book, she noticed that someone was watching her. After all, his eyes are extremely aggressive, and it is difficult for her to want to know.

North Rain, but do not know what to do, still look at the book.

Time passed by, and the eyes never left her.

She wants to ignore his existence, but his eyes are too aggressive. She looked like she took something to eat, her eyes removed from the book and she raised her head slightly.

Bei Chen saw her move and closed her eyes.

Bei Yuyu held the fruit in his hand and looked at Beichen with his eyes closed. He smiled at the corner of his lips and his lips were slightly open. "Why don't you wake up?"

"Bei Chen, do you know that in the woods, your appearance is a bit scary, but fortunately, this lady is daring, or I really want to be scared by you. However, how did you become like this? I heard that it was attached by ghosts. This is the case with people. Shouldn't you be possessed by ghosts?"

Bei Chen listened to her words, and the corner of her lips twitched a slight invisible arc.

"When you still don't wake up tomorrow, I will go to the master to show you the evil spirits."

"Bei Chen, I tell you, I don't sympathize with you. You will ask this kind of ghost later. This lady is not polite to you. Don't think that you are fainted, you can escape. When you wake up, Ben Miss is looking for you to settle accounts, dare to speak such a fierce and talk to Ben, are you impatient?"

Said, Bei Yu Yan still started, and Bai Hao's fingers poked Bei Chen's cheek.

a poke, a poke...

Beichen did not move, feeling that her fingers touched his body, and the strength did not hurt at all, but made him feel itchy.

When her hand was taken back, there was a faint loss in her heart.

"Is this Miss to you?" Bei Yuyu said to himself.

Bei Chen silently returned a sentence in the bottom of my heart.

it is good!

"I didn't have a good time for you, don't be passionate about yourself." After the rain was finished, Bei Yuqi snorted. "You have a conscience. You know that Miss is good to you. However, I want this lady to admit, That is impossible."

After a long day of rain in the north, I continued to hold the book.

After Beichen heard that there was no movement, he sneaked his eyes again, and the cold light became very soft. Looking at her eyes, there was an indescribable tenderness.

He entered the warmth of the net under the rain of the north, but that sentiment has become another kind of sentiment in his heart.

When the needle pointed to the direction of ten o'clock, Beiyuyu stood up and said to the person on the bed, "Good night."

Bei Chen silently responded at the bottom of his heart: "Good night."

Bei Yuyu took the book and left. When she walked to the desk, the lingering corner of her eyes met the table.

Ps: There are two more, updated tomorrow.

When the ink is going to sleep, the heartache is slightly painful in the past two days, and it feels like a heart. I thought it was occasional, but I didn’t expect it to be the same today.

Moye is afraid of death... so don't stay up late.

On the way to catch a car tomorrow, I will use the mobile phone to code two chapters in the car.

Love your lord, stay.


It’s about to end at the end of the month. There is a cute moon ticket, remember to vote for the moon and the recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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