Chapter 1396 Raiders villain BOSS67

"You take care of yourself." Zhang Fang looked at him with reluctance.

Beichen nodded and watched her leave.

After Zhang Fang left, there was still a way to reluctantly on his face, and his eyes were full of calculations.

She looked at the stack of money in her hand and smiled smugly on her lips.

Now he is on the rich lady, and he doesn't have to go out to work in the future. He can just get money from him.

Zhang Fang is satisfied with leaving.

When Beichen came back, Bei Yuqi asked: "Is it okay?"

Beichen shook his head, "Nothing."

"It should be your mother who missed you, deliberately come to see you. Did she bring you delicious food?" Bei Yu smiled and asked, looking at his eyes and looking at him.

Bei Yuxi saw him empty-handed and smiled. "Haha, your mother must be too busy, forget to bring it to you."

Beichen was because of her words, her look was a slight sigh, and there seemed to be something in her heart, but he was quickly slain.

He didn't want to think so, and he didn't want to think in that direction.

The northern rain 棠 sharply noticed that his eyes flashed and struggling, and the lips slightly smacked a touch of curvature.

This kind of thing is not going to come, he has to step by step to let him feel whether her mother really cares and loves him as he imagined. After the adaptation, I found that it will not be too big.

On this day, Beichen went to the bathroom and was blocked by a group of people. The headed person was Huang Xuan.

"Bei Chen, let us go to the top of the building." Huang Xuan directly ordered.

Beichen looked at them, his eyes were cold, but after a faint look at him, he indifferently took back his sight and slammed into the two men.

Huang Xuan and others did not think that Beichen actually dared to do so, especially Huang Xuan.

His disregard is like being challenged like him.

"Mom, dare to ignore Laozi." Huang Xuan mouth sweared a swearing mouth and pointed at other people: "Give me a good lesson."

"What are you doing?" At the end of the corridor, there was a voice of screaming in the rain.

Everyone is afraid to move.

After seeing the northern rain, Huang Xuan immediately put up the color of his face and put a smile on his face.

Before the north rains approached, Huang Xuan whispered: "Beichen, you are a waste, just know the waste behind the woman."

Beichen's dark eyes passed a touch of cold mans.

"Now the rain protects you, I don't move you. However, when you always have a order, wait until that time, it is your death. Waste." Huang Xuan bite the word 'waste' especially heavy. .

Bei Chen’s hand hanging on his side, slightly infiltrated, and there was a horrible energy in the palm of his hand.

During their conversation, Bei Yuyu also approached.

She looked at Huang Xuan and others, especially Huang Xuan. "Huang Xuan, are you too much to put me in the eye. Beichen is my person, do you dare to move him?"

Huang Xuan said innocently: "Hey, where can I dare him? We just happened to meet it. Are you right?"

Huang Xuan turned to look at Beichen, and the warning at the bottom of his eyes was full.

He was also worried that he would not cooperate. He did not expect Beichen to nod and said: "Yes."

Huang Xuan heard that he was so cooperative, showing a satisfied smile.

Hey, the cartilage head is the cartilage head.

How can such a coward be standing beside the rain?

The eyes of Bei Yu's scrutiny have passed by both of them. Beichen's cooperation has made her heart sink, and there is always a bad feeling.

Ps: fourth more... Wait a moment, try to end before 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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