Chapter 1409 Raiders villain BOSS80

Zhang Fang sneered, "He will never know."

Her character, she is too clear.

She has always played very well in front of him and never doubted her. Even if he had doubts on which day, she had a way to let him dispel his thoughts.

Bei Guorong looked at the woman sideways and it was really sinister.

When he talked about palpitations and sinister poisons, he couldn’t catch up with her.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat, this woman is stunned, but she is more poisonous than the tiger.

Bei Guorong pinched her squat and sneered at the corner of her lips. "You are very confident. Anyway, we still need him recently. You must not show your feet. Wait until he helps us to make the rain come out." After we took the **** photo of the Missy, who would you toss him?"

When Bei Guorong said that he was naked, his eyes were full of yin desire.

Zhang Fang knows what the information revealed in his eyes is. She smiled and said: "You should not just be afraid of being naked - it is so simple?"

The Northland won a smile. "Or you know me. Such a good cabbage is in front of you, don't eat white."

"You are not afraid of her rebound?"

"Afraid of anything, once a woman does not have that, she will die. I can taste the taste of Miss Qiangui, or thank you for such a good idea." North Guorong smiled shamelessly, "However, you can rest assured, even if I After you have tasted her, you will not leave you."

Zhang Fangtou relied on the past, "That's good."

They have been standing outside the window listening to Beichen, who they are talking about, and they are planning how to deal with Yu Yu. The man also wanted to extend his poisonous hand to the rain, and his blackening value continued to soar.

[Host Please note that the blackening value of the villain BOSS is close to sixty. 】

by! What happened again, how suddenly it rose so much.

Fortunately, at this time her car has entered the junction of the shantytown and the urban area. After the shantytown has opened a section of road, it is no longer able to travel forward and can only walk on foot.

"System, the coordinates are sent to me." North Yu Yan said in a hurry.

Beichen’s home, she has never been here, only knows that in this area, but does not know the specific location.

[Five points. 】


When her voice fell, there was already a landmark in her mind.

At the same time, Bei Guorong and Zhang Fang, who were preparing to sleep, were suddenly shocked by the sound of a huge impact and the smashing of the glass. The drowsiness of both of them was shocked by this sudden scene.

The two men fixed their eyes and saw that they were born in Beichen.

Why is he here!

This is the idea that both Bei Guorong and Zhang Fang have simultaneously made their minds.

After the initial shock of the two men, they noticed the expression of Beichen Yinsen, and a sense of oppression came towards them.

Bei Chen said that the momentum was radiated, and the two men were shocked again.

Zhang Fang first reacted. "Chen Chen, how are you here?"

Beichen ignored her and stepped toward the two.

Zhang Fang and Bei Guorong were on his pair of **** eyes, his heart trembled. His appearance at this time was too horrible, and they felt inexplicably chilly.

"Bunny scorpion, what is your look? Look at Laozi, I have dug your eyes." North Guorong inertia, it is a threat to him.

Beichen's chilly lip corner is hooked, and a slap in the mouth overflows with a slap.

(End of this chapter)

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