Chapter 1421 Raiders villain BOSS92

On this day, Ou Nan once again failed to return from the North. When the car opened the sphere of influence of the North, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and he was scared to brake.

"Damn." Ou Nankou whispered in the middle of the mouth.

Before he got off the bus, the man had already walked to his car.

The heart of Ou Nan is angry, can not find a place to vent, just happened to come to a door, naturally, the gas that will be received in the north rain, all sprinkled on this person.

Ou Nan shook the window and shouted directly. "Do you have long eyes on MTD. Is it a death?"

The man wore a cap and lowered his head so that he could not see his appearance at all.

When he walked up to him, he raised his head slightly, and a pair of sharp eyes looked at Ou Nan.

Ou Nan was shocked by his eyes.

"Do you want to go back to you with the north rain?" The man's low voice screamed quietly.

Ou Nan brows slightly wrinkled, suspiciously looking at the man who is unknown.

"Who are you?" Ou Nan looked at him with vigilance.

The man’s lips are hooked, “A person who helps you reach your wish.”

If Ou Nan is not an idiot, how can he easily believe a person who is unclear? "If you don't say it, this son can't be interested in playing with you."

As soon as his voice fell, there was a pistol on his head, and the black hole's muzzle was on his head.

"Is it qualified now? Ou Shaoye." The man said coldly.

The face of the South is greatly changed, and the look is not as strong as before. "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't tell you, I just came over to help you."

Ou Nan sneered in the heart, how can I help people, deceive the ghost.

"Open the door." The man ordered.

Ou Nan did not dare not listen, after unlocking, the man quickly got into the car, and the muzzle was transferred from the temple to the back of the head.


Ou Nanxun drove his car and listened to his command along the way.

"What do you want to do?" Ou Nan's hand holding the steering wheel was slightly white, and his eyes looked at the dangerous man in the back seat from time to time through the rearview mirror.

"What? I didn't say it, I am here to help you recover the rain."

"You don't make a joke. I am now the fish on your chopping board. You don't have to use this reason to lie to kid." Ou Nan laughed two channels.

The man no longer has a fearless explanation. He takes out something from his pocket and puts it in the co-pilot position.

"Send this document and send it to Beiyuyu in your name. She will automatically contact you when she arrives."

"What is that?" Ou Nan glanced at the tightly wrapped document bag wrapped in a sealed bag.

"You don't have to shut this up. When you send it to her, you know if she will contact you."

Suddenly, the man opened and the man disappeared silently from the car.

Ou Nan saw that he really left, and then stopped the car.

His glory fell on the document. If this is not the case, he would probably think that it was just an illusion of his own appearance.

Ou Nan stared at the document and his eyes flickered.

What is it that will allow Bei Yu to take the initiative to contact him.

He couldn't control the curiosity of his heart, picked up the paper bag, and opened it, the thing that was poured out was a slightly blurred photo. Although it is vague, the things that can be seen are clearly seen.

Ou Nan recognized the hero of the photo at a glance.

That back, he is known as the gray.

(End of this chapter)

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